60 Level Shai (Winter Season 2024) 236 AP \ 238 Awakening AP \ 290 DP | Skill points - 1355 Balance: 2669M inventory 4100 CRON STONES Dream horse and 4 pets Full tuvala gear set enhanced to TET-PEN + bonus capotia items in stash 60 Energy \ 147 cont. points 98% FINISHED SEASON PASS Some rare stuff in storage Lifetime clothes - 2 SETS (no time limited) All account data and full access! Not a trial version, game already activated. Mailbox are changable. Real stock! After purchase you will get all account data instantly. Its pearl abyss launcher version(not steam). Screenshots: https://i.postimg.cc/Wbj3vT9J/1.jpg https://i.postimg.cc/Nf40GSVC/2.jpg https://i.postimg.cc/T333KQvd/3.jpg https://i.postimg.cc/x1pTMH9K/4.jpg (T)( KEMP62)(F)