Sold ✨SILVER PROSELLER✨ Barn: 250set: 30usd, 500 set: 55usd, 1000set: 100usd

Discussion in 'Hay Day Resources - Buy Sell Trade' started by Arnold2004, 7/24/17.

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  1. Arnold2004

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    Verified Status: This user has completed basic background and ID verification Silver Status: This user has successfully completed 15+ middleman transactions

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    Hello Everyone, My name is Arnold.
    If you interest an account, you can contact me to receive a best deal from me.
    I hope we will have alot of good deals.

    You can contact me in Gmail: [email protected]
    or Kiiiiik: Arnold20041981
    or Whatsapp:+84968786648
    or Skype: Arnoldgwen2004
    or Line: +84968786648 ( Arnold 2004 )
    or Telegram: +84968786648 ( @Arnold2004 )

    You can find out about me:
    Im a Silver Pro Seller since 2015.
    Below my avatar, you can see green square, red square and gray square:
    - Green Square is positive feedbacks or good feedbacks, it appears quanlity of success transactions of seller, left by buyers or middleman. I have 30 positive feedbacks by buyers and middleman. You can click on that to find out.
    - Red Square is negative feedbacks or bad feedbacks, it appears quanlity of unsuccess transactions or scams, left by buyers or middleman. I have 0 negative feedbacks.
    - Gray Square is neutral feedbacks, its appear quality of unsuccess transactions, left by buyers.


    I selling alot of resources for hay day game, this is some offer for you:

    250 set Barn ( 250 Bolt, 250 Plank, 250 Duct Tape ): only for 30 usd: Buy Now - PlayerUp Middleman Service
    500 set Barn ( 500 Bolt, 500 Plank, 500 Duct Tape ): only for 55 usd: Buy Now - PlayerUp Middleman Service
    1.000 set Barn ( 1.000 Bolt, 1.000 Plank, 1.000 Duct Tape ): only for 100 usd: Buy Now - PlayerUp Middleman Service

    For more set please contact me.

    This is our steps:
    1. If you buy it via middleman, choose one link, and waiting for verify your payment.
    2. Middleman will create 3 ways conversation between buyer, seller and middleman. You release information of your Hay Day account, it like when you buying gems. I will take a pic for you to confirm your barn before adding.
    3. For the best, please do not login your account in one day. I will report a result when its done, of course in 3 ways conversation, anh you login it, confirm your barn after adding, and change password of your Hay Day account. ( Please not that: If your barn do not enough capacity for adding barn set, we will increase storage for you until it have enough with your order )

    If you wanna know everythings about this account, please contact me. If you wanna know about account like : How to link to another device, how to play multi account in IOS device or Android device, ex... You can contact me, I will guide you for free.
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
  2. Middleman

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    Moderator Status (Staff): This account handles all middleman support tickets Middleman Status (Staff): This account handles all middleman transactions

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    This is a confirmation that a buyer has paid for this listing.

    What is the next step?

    1). A startup ticket has already been opened with @Middleman and the buyer. @Middleman is now verifying the buyers payment.

    2). Upon verifying the buyers payment, @Middleman will activate the buyers private conversation, sellers private conversation ticket, and buyers/sellers 3 way conversation ticket.

    3). No further steps are required on the sellers behalf until we have opened the 3 way conversation ticket with @Middleman, the buyer, and the seller included in the ticket.

    If you have any questions in the meantime, you may contact us directly here.
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