Welcome to Vain Services How does it work? All the Subscriptions and Decorations are purchased directly from Discord by using legit payment methods. There are no refunds, no revokes and no ban risk. If you join our Discord, you can create a ticket - after you pay we will give you a credit card that you can use to purchase the Nitro | Decorations. If you buy boosts, you will pay and we will boost your server. You don't need to do anything. Nitro Pricing 1 Month Subscription: 3.99€ 12 Month Subscription: 34.99€ Decoration Pricing Winter Wonderland: 2.49€ Fantasy [Avatar]: 3.99€ Fantasy [Profile]: 4.49€ Anime [Avatar]: 2.99€ Anime [Profile]: 4.49€ Breakfest [Avatar]: 1.99€ Breakfest [Profile]: 4.49€ Payment Methods Paypal Crypto | BTC, ETH & LTC Bank Transfer Paysafecard Contact Information Discord: bender.xd Discord ID: 454680245937635339 Server: https://playerup.com/vainserices