hello! Contact me if you have any questions or concerns regarding my stock! Discord: x123x#7316 My Smurf: 8 Digit SteamID - STEAM_X:xxxxxxxx Registered September June 22, 2013 Steam Level 38 17 Steam Badges - 3 Limited (Trading Card Beta Tester) 207 Games, 4.876 Trades Made, 32.480 Market Transactions 1k+ houre CS:GO / 300 houre+ Dota 2 8 Coins/ 5 Year Coin / Loyalty / 4 operation coins OGE (access) No bans on record «bin» $320 C/O: PAYMENT METHODS I accept the following methods of payment. CRYPTO / TF2 KEYS* / *TF2 Keys at $1.40 per key / I must approve of any other proposed exchange offer a buyer gives me Additional screenshots + info (i.e. full list of games) can be provided through PMs or discord. I am NOT linking any account for the buyer's protection - this keeps the account as secure as possible.