Selling ██████ Perfect & Best 5* ██████ GB 0.16USD ██████

Discussion in 'Deadman's Cross Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Games, 2/26/15.

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  1. Games

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    Line ID:fongkamfung

    level up services[​IMG]:
    lv1-lv60: $3
    lv1-lv69: $3.8

    FB RD Perfect Offer Please
    Lv70 Perfect Helen --- Chiller+4, MF, CR
    Lv70 Perfect Julius Caesar --- Double attack[​IMG], Cell Regeneration, ATK/DEF +10%
    Lv69 Perfect Jupiter --- Atk-20%,+4,MF
    Lv69 Perfect Kongorikishi --- +4, masochist, def+20%
    Lv69 Perfect Anubis --- CF, transfusion, def+20%
    Lv70 Perfect Helicopter -- atk+20%, strike +4, BS
    Lv70 Perfect Snow White --- chiller+4, GS, spd/int+10%
    Lv70 Perfect Napoleon Bonaparte
    Lv70 Perfect Lincoln --- int+20%, MF, burner+4

    FB RD Best Type Offer Please
    Lu Bu Strong lv70
    Gift-wrapped Nurse Strong lv70
    Helen Quick lv70
    Battleship Yamato Strong lv70
    Battleship Yamato Fresh lv70
    Jack the Ripper Quick lv69
    Succubus Witch Smart lv69

    Tyrant Average lv70
    Ndesu Strong lv70
    Pile Banger Strong lv70
    Ballistic Missile Smart[​IMG] lv70
    Snow White Smart lv70
    Leviathan Strong lv70
    George Washington Strong lv70
    Nuclear Submarine Mental lv70
    Mokele-Mbembe Smart lv70
    Succubus Quick[​IMG] lv69
    Yamatano Orochi Smart lv70
    Jupiter Quick lv69
    Genie in a Lamp Smart lv69
    Rubeus Smart lv70
    Durga Smart lv70
    Durga Quick lv70
    Christopher Columbus Strong lv70
    Christopher Columbus Quick lv70
    Genghis Khan Strong lv70
    Genghis Khan Quick lv70
    Yang Guifei Smart lv69
    Yang Guifei Smart lv1
    Peregrine Falcon Strong lv70
    Peregrine Falcon Quick lv1
    Titan Strong lv70
    Doomtrain Smart lv69
    Moby Smart lv70

    Non-RD 5* Offer Please
    Hood in Sheep's Clothing Strong lv1
    Helen Tough lv1
    Jack the Ripper Smart lv1
    Rapunzel Quick lv1
    Mushussu Tough lv1
    Isaac Newton Average lv1
    Red Riding Hood Mental lv1
    Red Riding Hood Fresh lv1
    Red Riding Hood Tough lv1
    Red Riding Hood Average lv1
    Pile Banger Fresh lv1
    Ballistic Missile Quick lv1
    Ballistic Missile Smart lv1
    Ballistic Missile Mental lv1
    Ballistic Missile Tough lv1
    Ballistic Missile Strong lv1
    Anubis Tough lv1
    Anubis Mental lv1
    Anubis Quick lv1
    Anubis Smart lv1
    Anubis Average lv1
    Snow White Smart lv1
    Snow White Tough lv1
    Nuclear Submarine Fresh lv1
    Nuclear Submarine Average lv1
    Neptune Fresh lv1
    Neptune Tough lv1
    Neptune Quick lv1
    Neptune Strong lv1
    Galileo Galilei Strong lv60
    Mokele-Mbembe Quick lv60 / lv1
    Mokele-Mbembe Mental lv1
    Mokele-Mbembe Tough lv1
    Mokele-Mbembe Strong lv1
    Mokele-Mbembe Average lv1
    Kongorikishi Strong lv60
    Kongorikishi Fresh lv1
    Kongorikishi Smart lv1
    Abhorrent Airship Fresh lv60 FB / lv1
    Abhorrent Airship Strong lv60 FB
    Abhorrent Airship Smart lv1
    Abhorrent Airship Tough lv1
    Abhorrent Airship Quick lv1
    Genie in a Lamp Fresh lv60 FB / lv1
    Genie in a Lamp Quick lv60 FB
    Mars Strong lv60
    Mars Smart lv1
    Mars Quick lv1
    Mars Average lv1
    Rubeus Quick lv60
    Rubeus Smart lv60 / lv1
    Rubeus Tough lv1
    Christopher Columbus Strong lv1
    Christopher Columbus Quick lv1
    Christopher Columbus Fresh lv1
    Christopher Columbus Smart lv1
    Christopher Columbus Average lv1
    Durga Quick lv1
    Durga Average lv60 / lv1
    Durga Fresh lv1
    Durga Tough lv1
    Durga Strong lv1
    Khan Fresh lv60
    Khan Smart lv60 / lv1
    Khan Tough lv1
    Black Leopard Fresh lv60 FB
    Black Leopard Strong lv1
    Black Leopard Tough lv1
    Pluto Strong lv1
    Pluto Smart lv60 / lv1
    Pluto Tough lv1
    Pluto Mental lv1
    Yang Guifei Smart lv1
    Yang Guifei Quick lv1
    Yang Guifei Mental lv60 / lv1
    Yang Guifei Fresh lv1
    Yang Guifei Tough lv1
    Yang Guifei Average lv1
    Napoleon Bonaparte Quick lv1
    Napoleon Bonaparte Tough lv60
    Titan Strong lv60
    Titan Frsh lv1
    TitanTough lv1
    TitanSmart lv1
    Titan Quick lv1
    Peregrine Falcon Mental lv60
    Peregrine Falcon Tough lv1
    Boxcutter Killer Quick lv60
    Boxcutter Killer Smart lv1
    Doomtrain Strong lv60
    Joan of Arc Strong lv60 FB / lv60
    Joan of Arc Smart lv60 FB
    Asura Strong lv11
    Asura Tough lv18
    Satan Mental lv60
    Satan Quick lv60 / lv1
    Marie Antoinette Quick lv1
    Attack Helicopter Quick lv1
    Attack Helicopter Average lv42
    Attack Helicopter Smart lv34

    25 of each type GB (150GB): $24 ($0.16 per GB)
    50 of each type GB (300GB): $46.5 ($0.155 per GB)
    100 of each type GB (600GB): $90 ($0.15 per GB)

    golden boosts 0.3usd
    deck of cards:99

    lux boosts 0.09usd
    deck of cards:99

    - Buyer must pay first by PayPal as gift, Personal Friend/Family and send this message with payment "Payment for virtual[​IMG] good. I completely understand these are virtual goods and I agree that no refunds or returns are allowed."
    - I will send trade to show you the card, once I see the payment I will send card to you via gift.
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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