Sold [Selling] Selling 6 x Diablo III accounts on EU.

Discussion in 'Diablo 3 Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by AscendedAngel, 3/13/19.

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  1. AscendedAngel

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    I am selling 6 x Diablo III accounts on EU. I am the original owner of all the accounts. All accounts have been in-active for over a year.
    I have two accounts around 5300 paragon, two at around 5200 paragon, one around 3900 paragon and one at 3300 paragon.

    The accounts at paragon 5200-5300 has tons of legs and primals, and have most useful gems over 100. They also have useful legs and primals stashed on many "bank" characters. I don't really have the time to go thru all the accounts and list all the items and stuff, but I can give some more information if you contact me in a PM.

    I am thinking around $350 for the accounts @P5k+ and around $200 for the accounts @P3k+. If you need more informations and want to give me a bid for an account, please send me a PM.

    None of the accounts have ever recieved any warnings and I will be able to supply secret name and even make a new e-mail account for you and transfer all account information to that email account.
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