Selling  Android and iOS  1-24 Hours Boosting Cheaper and Faster than anyone else

Discussion in 'Brawl Stars Boosting for Sale - Buy & Sell' started by Michael Warner, 3/13/19.

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  1. Michael Warner

    Michael Warner
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    I'll beat anyones price so if someone offers lower show me and I'll beat it. Former top 10 global player, played since beta, over 14k trophies and 11k wins on main account alone.

    As a general guideline for pricing:

    Total trophies:
    0-1000: $3.00 for every 100 trophies
    1000-2000: $3.00 for every 100 trophies
    2000-3000: $4.00 for every 100 trophies
    3000-4000: $5.00 for every 100 trophies
    4000-5000: $6.00 for every 100 trophies
    5000-6000: $7.00 for every 100 trophies
    6000-7000: $8.00 for every 100 trophies
    7000-8000: $9.00 for every 100 trophies
    8000-9000: $10.00 for every 100 trophies
    9000-10000: $11.00 for every 100 trophies
    10000-11000: $12.00 for every 100 trophies
    11000-12000: $13.00 for every 100 trophies
    12000-13000: $15.00 for every 100 trophies
    13000+: Message me to discuss

    Brawler trophies:
    0-500: $20.00
    0-100: $3.00
    100-200: $4.00
    200-300: $6.00
    300-400: $7.50
    400-500: $9.00
    500-600: $12.00
    600+: Message me to discuss

    Aside from 0-500, if you want your brawler pushed over 100 trophies, the lower price (for your brawlers original trophy range) will be used per 100 trophies. For example, if you want your brawler pushed from 200-400, it would be $8.00 instead of $10.00.

    Will make discounts for larger inquiries (ex: multiple brawlers, more than 1000 trophies, etc.)
    All prices are # if its out of your budget or whatever, just talk to me and we'll make it work.
    Usually takes a few hours unless it's a large order.

    Discord: @thyme#6757
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  2. PlayerUp

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