Selling  Android and iOS  High End Beast Account TCP 2.6+mil, all chars, 470 days, 28mil gold and many more

Discussion in 'Marvel Strike Force Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by ValiushaW, 3/12/19.

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  1. ValiushaW

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    Hello folks,
    I will only trade through middleman or if you want to go first (understandable if you do not, thats fine)

    This is a great account to buy if you are serious about the game, its also a very unique buying opportunity due to the insane amount of resources i have hoarded , giving you the chance to invest them in whatever current or future chars you want to.
    I still really enjoy this game but due to IRL unfortunately we must part ways. However i will keep playing actively and growing the account till i can find a proper buyer

    Account details
    - Account has TCP 2.6+mil, however you can easily reach top100 collection power after investing all the available resources.
    - Account has 470 days played on it, probably being among the oldest accounts in the game
    Started playing early beta and since its been top in arena, blitz and in best guilds for raids
    - All characters are unlocked and high starred except the unobtainable ones.
    - 53 max starred characters and all the rest at 5-6 stars
    - Level 70 have 32 chars, majority of rest at 60-65
    - Gear 12 have 24 chars, many more at gear 11
    - Easy top 100 blitz and top 10 arena any day

    Account available resources
    - 28+ mil gold (you can boost to max almost 10+ chars of your choice if you want)
    - 1600 Orange ability mats, really powerful to boost abilities at level 7, you usually get 150 per two weeks from raid season
    - Tons of orange gear mats, to boost chars to gear 13, as an example i have 2k Orange catalysts
    - Tons of purple gear mats, have 800 purple catalysts
    - 10k+ cores
    - 34k raid tickets, most raid store chars are maxed, so you can just buy more gear
    - 80k arena tickets, all arena chars maxed except AIM, so when they add a new one you can instantly max it out
    - 135k blitz tickets, can just burn them on a new char or turn them into even more gold

    Price is 1500$

    For questions or account screenshots : Valiusha#9761

    Thank you for reading and have a sunny day.
    #1 ValiushaW, 3/12/19
    Last edited: 3/12/19
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  2. PlayerUp

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