Selling AriesMS Cheapest DP and Accounts

Discussion in 'Maplestory Private Server Accounts for Sale - Buy & Sell' started by ilovefluff, 3/8/19.

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  1. ilovefluff

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    Selling cheapest DP in AriesMS

    5k minimum: 3.9 USD/K
    20k+: 3.7 USD/K

    All accounts have full boost nodes and skill nodes done except for 3rd V Job skill (Which is the newest skill which was made available only a month ago)
    All accounts also have no valuable items except for paragon levels and nodes done.
    All accounts only come with username, password and secondary password as I do not have access to the emails/DOB.

    (Already sold warrior account)

    1.Phantom/Wind Archer (1 phantom and 2 WA...
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