Sold Hoard accounts: New post (check last reply)

Discussion in 'Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes Accounts for Sale - Buy & Sell SWGOH Account' started by QLC, 2/24/19.

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  1. QLC

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    What is a hoard account?

    ► A "hoard account" is an account that has been saving (hoarding) energy during months thanks to the daily free energy
    , by this way spend all that energy when you want to join in the arena server, at level 28, so is needed stop to get experience at level 27. Thanks to this energy you can get a better level at the beginning, like level 50 directly in a few minutes, something that give a big advantage at the beginning of the game against other players. Meanwhile you get guild shop currency to buy shards to get a 7 stars character and then play heroic T7 raids and unlock Han Solo, General Kenobi and Darth Traya, something that give an extra advantage against other players. It allows to assure always a good rank in the arena, you can easily be rank 1 in both arenas (squad and ships) and get 900 full daily crystals, without refreshes. With these crystals you will be able to improve your roster faster than rest of players and assure continue being always in the top of arenas.

    Is it legal?

    ► To make a hoard account is a completely legal thing, the account cannot be reported for it, the administrators already said in the EA forum that to hoard energy is a legal strategy that everyone can do without any consecuence.

    ► Also to sell hoard accounts is a completely legal thing because I'm not selling the iOS Apple ID or the Android Google play account, I'm only selling the hoard service, the account will be linked to your current or a new Apple ID or Google Play account through the in-game link system, with the Facebook connect function, I will let you know my temporary password of the Facebook account that I'm using for this process and once linked I will change the password for the next link, so in the payment is not included Apple, Google or Facebook accounts, only the link process.

    How it works?


    ► The best strategy is hoard enough energy to get directly level 50, that is 26.755 energy. At the beginning, using the first crystals to buy normal energy, and thanks to the level up free energy, you can get 2.000 energy very fast, so is needed get around 25.000 energy with the hoard activity. Everyday you get 45 free cantina energy and 135 (3x45) free normal energy, this is 180 free energy per day. It means that to get 25.000 energy is needed hoard during 139 days (25.000 / 180 = 139), this is 4,6 months, taking into account the first days for the first 2.000 energy is almost 5 months.

    To get level 50 is the best, because you can use mods from the beginning, that are unlocked at level 50, so you will be using mods while the level 28 players still will need 22 levels for that, so from level 28 to 50 you will have 24.000 energy advantage, when at the beginning only is possible to get 2.000 experience per day, so you will have 12 days advantage against the rest of players that will not be able to use mods, you will have a better level (50 vs 28), a better gear level (6 vs 4) and mods, futhermore a team with at least 3 characters at 7 stars, while the rest of players only will have 3 stars characters. so they will not be able to defeat you, you will dominate the arena, getting 500 crystals everyday.

    What you offer?

    ► I have 20 hoard accounts under construction, in the replies of this topic you can check the status of every account, by this way you can save some months and you can get in advance some of these hoard accounts to grant your place. You can pay it monthly or a cheaper final price.

    ► I have a guild with 30 tickets accounts, including accounts that can solo heroic T7 raids, includind the Heroic Sith Raid, and then the 20 hoard accounts. The guild is getting 18k tickets per day, needed to play raids and to get more guild shop currency.

    ► In my guild you can unlock Han Solo, General Kenobi and Darth Traya before join in the arena server, so it will give you a big advantage against other players. Is the only hoard guild in the world that offers that service, and almost the only guild that allow to low level players to get Darth Traya shards from the beginning. If once finished the account you want to stay inside the guild also is possible if you do the 600 tickets everyday and 0 damage in raids, but I would recommend you find a guild doing between 25k and 30k tickets per day, instead of 18k.

    With 18k daily tickets is possible to play Heroic The Pit raids (60k tickets) every 3,3 days, Heroic AAT raids (90k tickets) every 5 days and Heroic Sith raids (110k tickets) every 6,1 days, so once all hoard accounts have one 7 stars character we will only play heroic raids, meanwhile we will play Tier 3, Tier 4, Tier 5 and Tier 6 raids depending of the moment of the hoard accounts, to get faster guild shop currency and to get faster a 7 stars character. The average of shards per raid is 4 Han Solo and 6 General Kenobi and Darth Traya shards per raid. It means that to unlock the raid characters (145 shards) is needed 37 HPit raids (122 days = 4 months) to unlock Han Solo, 25 HAAT raids (125 days = 4 months) to unlock General Kenobi and 25 HSR raids (152 days = 5 months) to unlock Darth Traya.

    Which is the best strategy?

    ► First of all is needed improve the account from level 6 to 22, that is the minimum level to join in a guild. To get that level is needed ony reclaim the daily activity about train a character that give 25 sim tickets and 40 experience as reward. The sim tickets are needed to simulate battles and spend automatically all the energy hoarded, to spend 25.000 energy is needed around 2.500 sim tickets and you get most of them thanks to that daily activity, because from level 6 to 27 is 2.545 exp, so divided by 40 is a maximum of 93 sim tickets rewards, that multiplied by 25 is 2.325 sim tickets, but some of them will be spent at simulate challenges. With the daily login free crystals the best is only buy sim tickets to keep around 2.000 sim tickets all the time. Once you have enough gears of every challenge is better stop to play STR, AGI and INT challenges to increase the sim tickets to 2.500, that is the minimum needed. From level 6 to 22 is 1.820 exp, so is needed wait 45 days before join in a guild. You don't need wait all that time because my accounts for sale already started or finished that process, you can check it in the replies of this topic.

    ► With the guild shop currency you can get 3 characters to 7 stars, because you will get an average of 5.000 guild shop currency per week, this is 700 guild shop currency per day. As every 5 shards is 450 tokens, you can get an average of 8 shards per day, this is 960 shards during the 4 months inside the guild (the first 45 days is only to collect energy and sim tickets). A full character is 330 shards, so you will be able to farm 1 character to 7 stars and 2 characters to 6 stars near to 7. The best option is to farm Young Han Solo to 7 stars, because has his own spot in the guild shop, appears in every shipments refresh, the rest of characters only appear 1 of every 6 refreshes, so you cannot farm other guild shop characters enough fast to spend the guild shop currency faster or at same rate than you get it. To get Young Han Solo to 7 stars is needed 41 days (330 divided by 8), from then the account will be ready to start to get Han Solo, General Kenobi and Darth Traya shards.

    How many time I need to wait?

    These are the total times of the hoard account per phase. These times not include the current energy hoarded of my current accounts.

    ● From level 6 to 22 (hoard energy and collect sim tickets): 45 days = 1 month and 15 days.
    ● From level 22 to 27: 19 days, total of 64 days = 2 months.
    ● 7 stars Young Han Solo: 41 days, total of 86 days = 3 months.
    ● Enough energy hoarded for level 50: 139 days = 4 months and 19 days.
    ● Unlock Han Solo: 122 days, total of 208 days = 7 months.
    ● Unlock General Kenobi: 125 days, total of 211 days = 7 months.
    ● Unlock Darth Traya: 152 days, total of 238 days = 8 months.

    You can choose a hoard account with enough energy hoarded for level 50 and then, as you will have Young Han Solo and one cantina character at 7 stars, you can join in a guild playing HPit and HAAT and finish to get Han Solo and General Kenobi, or if you are interested to get Darth Traya maybe you can find some guild playing HSR also, then is better play in a guild doing 30k tickets per day than continue playing in my guild, because the tickets are almost the half, 18k per day, so would be much more slower to unlock them and worse guild ҽvents rewards.

    The second option is hoard energy during 7 months and unlock Han Solo and General Kenobi, something much more funnier, because use these characters from first day is a new very fun experience. And if you want the most possible fun experience you can stay 8 months inside my guild and unlock Darth Traya, that only is 1 extra month.

    ► The wait time will be less because always I have 20 hoard accounts under construction, so you can save 1, 2, 3 or 4 months, for example, depending of when you read this topic. In the last replies of this topic you can see the current status of every account.

    Price listing

    ► I'm applying a very cheap price for my service, that is only 20 dollars per month. This is very cheap because is needed use 2 accounts per every hoard account, is needed a tickets account that is doing the 600 daily tickets and then the hoard account that is getting the free energy, doing the daily activity, playing challenges, buying shipments, training and gearing characters, requesting gears, playing the guild activity and signing up in raids, is needed connect 3 times per day in both accounts and spend a minimum of 15 minutes per hoard account and day, and this is only 0,66 dollars per day, when 15 minutes usually is 2 or 3 dollars in the worst jobs, so this is the lowest price I can make, is only 2,5 dollars per hour dedication, less money would not worth this daily effort.

    Also I make a special price for a final account:

    ● 27.000 energy = 5 months = 7* Young Han Solo = 90 dollars (you save 10 dollars)
    ● 37.800 energy = 7 months = 7* Young Han Solo + 5* Han Solo + 5* General Kenobi = 120 dollars (you save 20 dollars)
    ● 43.200 energy = 8 months = 7* Young Han Solo + 5* Han Solo + 5* General Kenobi + 5* Darth Traya = 130 dollars (you save 30 dollars)

    The final price is the best option because is cheaper than the montly price, if you simply want to get level 50 you save 10 dollars (15 free days), if you want Han Solo and General Kenobi you save 20 dollars (1 free month) and if you also want Darth Traya you save 30 dollars (1 month and 15 days for free). Inside the 5 months is included 2 guild shop characters at 6 stars near to 7. With 7 and 8 months you will be able to farm another one and to have 3 characters at 6 stars or 2 characters at 7 stars and 1 character at 5 stars, always with 7* Young Han Solo included.

    ► If you pay a monthly service is granted the total time as maximum, you will never pay more than 7 months if you simply want to unlock Han Solo and General Kenobi, or you will never pay more than 8 months if you also want Darth Traya, but the total price adding up all months would be 140 and 160 dollars for 7 or 8 months, so the special price for a final account is cheaper than pay month per month, and also easier.

    ► If you want 7 or 8 months accounts, but you pay it monthly, is nice let me know it in advance to farm 3 characters at same time in the guild shop, because only there is 16% rate to get the character you want per refresh or 32% chance to get one of the 2 characters that you want, so is needed a good RNG, but if you want hoard during 7 or 8 months you can farm 3 characters at same time, so around 50% of times will appear some of them, so you will get 3 characters at 6 stars near to 7, or some of them at 7 stars and the rest at 6 stars.

    ► In the replies of this topic you can check the status of every account, you can check the current energy hoarded (you can add 180 extra energy per every extra day since the last post), and you can check which characters every account got through the bronzium data cards, where sometimes appears some good 4 stars or 3 stars characters, is possible to get Boba, Barriss, Daka, Windu, Ima-Gun Di, Luminara, Ahsoka, and some characters that can help to make easier some #. When you buy a monthly or a final account you can choose the account that you want.

    ► The best is pay the monthly or the final price as soon as possible because very soon all my accounts will be sold, as monthly payment or as final price, but will be sold, a lot of people is interested in use Han Solo, General Kenobi and Darth Traya from the beginning, so once all accounts are sold will not be possible to buy any other account until I finish some of them, so my service has a limit of 20 hoard accounts at same time, for now I cannot manage more of them, so choose one as soon as possible if you are interested in a hoard account.

    ► In every account the first 2.000 energy is for free, this is 1 week for free. This is applied because in the first days is possible to buy 7 normal energy refreshes (840 energy), plus the initial energy and the energy you get with level ups is around 1.500 energy that you get very fast, so to assure that is a fair price I will count from 2.000 energy. From then, every 180 energy is 1 day of work, so every day is 0,66 dollars (2/3), if you want buy an account that already has hoarded 3.800 (2000+1800) energy it will cost 6,66 dollars plus the 20 dollars for the next 30 days of hoard service. If you prefer the final price is not needed calculate anything, simply you pay the final price that is the same in all situations.

    Do it by yourself at half price

    If you want you can buy the account by the initial price indicated in the column "Price" of current hoard accounts table and do by yourself the hoard strategy being inside my guild. Also will be needed 1 tickets account that will be doing 600 tickets everyday. If you do that the price will be the half, only 10 dollars per month, that is the price required to continue playing in my guild, to continue getting the best guild shop currency rewards, Han Solo, General Kenobi and Darth Traya shards. There are guilds where also you can get guild shop currency for free, but they are playing Tier 3 or Tier 4 Sith Raid, so you will not get Darth Traya shards and gears g12, and they are playing NAAT, so you will not get General Kenobi. As I did a lot of effort to build a guild to help to get all these things is needed pay a monthly price (10 dollars) to stay in.

    You need a tickets account that must do 600 tickets everyday. Every 500 tickets that you miss will increase the price of the next month by 0,50 dollars, because if you not do the tickets it will harm the rest of my accounts. If some day you cannot do the tickets you can let me know it in advance and I can do that by 0,66 dollars per day, that will be included in the next month bill. I can accept a maximum of 2.000 tickets missed per month, if you miss more the hoard account and your tickets account will be kicked. In other hoard guilds there is the same rule.

    You cannot play raids with the tickets account, you only can put 0 damage. The tickets accounts will do some few damage, to asurre be in the TOP 21, the tickets accounts only can get the ranks from rank 22 to rank 50.

    If currently you have some other hoard account and you want to play in my guild doing the hoard strategy by yourself and playing the ticket accounts by yourself, also is possible, paying the 10 dollars per month you will be able to stay in the guild.

    Join in a new server at first day

    One important thing is to join in the new arena server at first day, because every later day will mean to lose advantage against other players. A new server is created every between 10 and 12 days, so if you join at day 12 everyone already will be level 50.

    To assure join at day 1 is needed create new accounts and join in the arena at level 28 to check if the rank is low, like rank 500 or lower, it means the server has been created few hours ago, but if you join and the rank is 5.000, 8.000 or 10.000 it means has been created some days ago and is needed wait some more days to join in the arena server, because in every server there are 20.000 players. Everyday between 2.000 and 2.500 new players join in the server.

    The best is create between 3 and 5 new accounts to check the status everyday since the last account gets the position 17k or 18k at the beginning, it means only 1 day left to be created the new server.

    If you not want to make that effort I can make this job for you by 10 dollars, that is a fair price because is needed to make 5 new accounts to assure to have enough accounts to check it and every account is 30 minutes effort to get level 27 and be ready for it, so is 2 hours and 30 minuts effort only to get it, so 10 dollars is a low price for 2h 30 minutes of work. You can pay it once the account is ready, in the last month payment or included in the final price, as you want.

    Is it fun? Worth it the money and the wait?

    If you like the game style and the Star Wars world, this is the best thing you can do at the beginning, because in every new server there is a lot of competition, other hoard accounts and whales that makes it less fun, but with all this hoarded energy, 3 guild shop characters, like Young Han Solo, Old Ben and Aayla, plus the raid characters like Han Solo, General Kenobi and Darth Traya, enough energy to farm directly one 7 stars cantina character like Ezra, with the option to farm Bastila and Ahsoka from the beginning, you will have a solid roster and a good arena team, like a Bastila team with 5* General Kenobi, 7* Ezra, 7* Old Ben and 7* Aayla, that will be able to defeat all your enemies in your server.

    Anyway will not be too much easy, because the whales (people who pay money for a faster progress) will spend a lot of money to catch you, in this case the whales will make it funnier, but anyway a hoard account is much more better than any whale investment, so maybe they get defeat you in some arena battles, but will not be easy for them, you wil be on TOP 5 all the day, and during next months you will continue in the TOP of the arenas, thanks to the fast crystals progress, getting 900 crystals everyday, will be needed years for rest of players to be at same level than you, so a hoard account, by only between 90 and 130 dollars, is much more better than spend 500 or 1.000 dollars in the game.

    I'm a very old player, I have started to play on December 2015, few time after the launch of the game on October 2015, I played a good account at the beginning, with an own very good guild completing heroic raids, later I started 5 new accounts in the same server at same time and later I started a new one just after the launch of Bastila, so I know everything about the game and I know which are the best strategies for the best progress and to get the most fun and entertaining situation, so the fun is granted if you follow the tips of this topic.

    Futhermore, if in some moment you bore the game you can sell it by playerup and you will get back your money plus some extra money for your time, so if you pay 90 dollars, 6 months after probably you will be able to sell it by at least 150 dollars, so in any case you will waste the money.

    Is a $130 hoard account better than a $130 account with 3M GP?

    With 130 dollars probably you can find some people selling 3 million galactic power accounts with all characters unlocked, with gear 12 Revan, Traya, GK, BB-8, Jedi Training Rey, Han Solo, CLS, OT Chewie, R2D2, Thrawn, Palpatine, with a good fleet arena team with 7 stars Hound's Tooth, Vader, Chiamera and a lot of good characters, but this old account will have a very big competition, everyone will be at same level, with all characters at gear 12, so everyone will be able to defeat you, specially if they have better mods, so you will not dominate the arenas, maybe you can get rank 1 in your payout, but later you will drop to rank 20 or more. An account like this is more to enjoy to play the battles on arenas, raids, Territory Battles, Territory Wars, etc., without any effort, but one of the good things of this game is the effort that requires, when you build your own account deciding every step of the process, gearing every character with your daily effort getting rank 1 in the arenas, the daily effort connecting to the game several times, playing raids and guild ҽvents, when you invest every effort to improve characters, this is the fun part of the game, if you directly get all characters at gear 12 with anything more to do is not fun.

    With a $90, $120$ or $130 hoard account you will have all the needed to be rank 1 in the arenas from the beginning and be ready to participate in all ҽvents, you will be able to improve your damages step by step, improving your roster everyday, in around 6 months since you join in the arena server you will be getting nice damages in raids and guild ҽvents and very soon you will be ready to solo raids like HPit and HAAT and later to solo some phases of the Sith raid. If you get an account that already has CLS and Han Solo at 7 stars and you simply put auto to solo HPit, this is not fun. The fun thing is when you start doing 2M damage in HPit raid, then when you can improve to 4M, then 8M and finally solo it, is not fun if you already have a completed arena team, a HPit team, a HAAT team, with all Sith raid teams farmed and geared, then almost you not have nothing to do.

    Already I had a good account at the beginning that I sold by 300 dollars by playerup, I got bored with that account because I not had nohing more to do. Later I started again with new accounts and I enjoyed that process, farming different things than in my first account, and I created my last account just after the launch of Bastila and again I enjoyed all the process to improve that team and the new teams. The best fun thing is when you, with your own effort, get all legendary characters and you get all the best teams of this game. Is like if you buy a puzzle already finished, then you not enjoy it, but when you finish a puzzle from first piece to last piece you feel a good satisfaction sensation that you did it by yourself with your own effort and you frame that puzzle for everytime you see it think "I did it with my own effort", instead of "I bought it already done". The same happens with a SWGoH account, every step of the account progress is part of the fun thing of the game, every new level, every new gear, every new mod, everytime that you slice a mod, every new character, every improvement is part of the fun thing of the game, so if you start that process with a big advantage as 25k extra energy, Han Solo, General Kenobi, Darth Traya, 2 or 3 guild shop characters at 6 or 7 stars and 1 cantina character at 7 stars, with enough level to farm Bastila from the beginning, getting Yoda very soon, etc., getting 500 crystals everyday and later 400 fleet arena crystals everyday, you will be able to enjoy the process without any unbeatable obstacle during the process.

    The hoard account strategy

    ► This hoard strategy is better than be a whale that spend a lot of money, because maybe the whales can buy chromium packs and extra energy refreshes, but they cannot improve levels enough fast to be at same level, gear level and to use mods, maybe they can get 1.000 extra energy per day and improve levels faster, but 3.000 exp per day is 8 days anyway to get level 50 and start to use mods, so your team always will be better than the whale teams, at least at the beginning of the game and during the first months, enough time to assure be one of the best players of the server and be always in the top during the next months and years.

    To get level 50 directly has an extra advantage, that is possible to farm Bastila from the beginning, that only is farmable in the 5-B Dark Side hard battle, the stage 5 is unlocked at level 49, so most of players will not be able to use Bastila at the beginning until they get level 49, it means between 9 and 11 days to get it. The Bastila team is one of the best, or maybe simply the best, at the beginning, and is a good investment to later switch to a Revan team, currently 85% of old players are using a Revan team with Bastila, Yoda, General Kenobi and Jolee, this is the best team in this moment.

    ► Once you have Young Han Solo at 7 stars the best is farm Old Ben and Aayla Secura or Barriss Offee at same time, by this way you will have 2 jedis at 7 stars from the beginning, something needed to get Grand Master Yoda. I would recommend Aayla for a better dps (damage per second) and more counter attacks, Barriss is less needed because the team will have enough protection, doesn't need healing abilities. Kit Fistowould be another good option, but I prefer Aayla, because can stun when scores a critical hit, has 25% chance to call an ally to assist with her basic and has a better counter chance, 65% instead of 35%, so with the Bastila's Legendary Battle Meditation, that give an extra 40% counter chance (70% at level 62) will be 100% chance to counter, so Aayla is very good at the beginning,

    ► With the hoarded cantina energy you can farm one character to 7 stars directly, because you will have around 1.000 cantina energy thanks to the level up free energy and the first levels, plus 6.750 cantina energy hoarded, this is around 8.000 energy, and every node is 8 energy, so you can simulate 1.000 battles. Usually the rate is 1/3 (33%), so you will get around 333 shards, just the needed (330) to promote a character to 7 stars directly. My recommendation is to farm Ezra to 7 stars and if you have an extra energy finish to farm Old Ben and Aayla, that probably both will be 6 stars near to 7, Old Ben is farmable in the 2-F node and Aayla in the 5-B node, so very soon you will have 3 jedi at 7 stars.

    ► After sim all this cantina energy you will have 13.000 cantina shop currency, because every 8 energy cantina node give 13 cantina shop currency. Here the best is to farm Ahsoka Tano, is a better option than Qui-Gon Jinn because has a good ship that will be nice later for fleet arena. Every 400 tokens you get 5 shards, so you can get 162 shards, but only there is 4 cantina shop refreshes per day, you only can get 20 shards per day at the beginning, so you need 8 days to use all these cantina tokens, at that moment you will have much more energy, because the best is buy 3 cantina refreshes per day (360 energy per day), and you will get 360 free energy in 8 days, plus the 960 daily energy, so you will have spent another 4.200 cantina energy, that will be 6.825 tokens to get another 85 shards, during 14 days you will be getting 20 Ahsoka shards per day, with only 12 days will be 6 stars and with 17 days will be 7 stars, so with a little more than 2 weeks you will have 4 jedis at 7 stars (Ezra, Old Ben, Aayla and Ahsoka). You can get her a little faster playing the 4-C Dark Side hard node and buying shards in the fleet store.

    ► To get Grand Master Yoda is needed 5 jedis at 5 stars to unlock and at 7 stars for a 7 stars Yoda. The best option is Mace Windu, because you will get 80 free shards, will be unlocked at 4 stars directly, so you only need 250 shards for 7 stars. Futhermore, Windu is a very good capital ship at the beginning, is nice with Hound's Tooth, Jedi Consular, Ahsoka, Fives, Anakin, Clone Sergeant and Plo Koon, plus ships with target lock like Vader, TIE fighter, FOTF, Boba and others. Windu is available in the squad arena shipments, with rank 1 everyday you will get 1.000 tokens per day, and every 400 tokens is 5 shards, so you will get 12,5 shards per day. Also is available in the 4-A cantina battle, in the 2-E Light Side hard node and the fleet store, so you can get Windu faster than Ahsoka, because only with the cantina tokens is 20 days to 7 stars, but if you play cantina battles and some hard node you can get him to 7 stars in around 2 weeks.

    ► With only 2 weeks you will have a full team ready to get 7 stars Yoda, you can use Old Ben as leader, with Ezra, Aayla, Ahsoka and Windu and you will get Yoda very easily, so is nice to start the hoard account when the Yoda ҽvent is near, if is launched the next month, for example, or if is launched in the next 2 or 3 weeks, by this way very few people in your server will get him to 7 stars and some of them will not be able to get him because without spend money is not enough time to get 5 jedis to 5 stars.

    ► From third month the account will be ready to start to play heroic T7 raids and to get General Kenobi, Han Solo and Darth Traya. Is needed 145 shards to unlock General Kenobi, it means 25 raids, because is 6 shards per raid. Every 5 days we can play 1 heroic AAT T7 raid, this is 25 x 5 = 125 days to unlock General Kenobi, so 4 months. The same time is needed to unlock Han Solo, and 1 extra month for Traya.

    ► From first day in the arena you will be able to use 6* Old Ben as leader, with 5* General Kenobi, 5* Han Solo, 5* Traya and 7* Ezra. Then you can start to farm Bastila in the 5-B Dark Side hard battle, buying 2 refreshes everyday by 25 and 50 crystals, by this way you will be able to play 24 hard battles per day, that with a 33% rate is 8 Bastila shards per day. She unlocks at 25 shards, so you will unlock her with only 3 days, could be faster if you buy shards by crystals, but I would recommend use all crystals to buy normal and cantina energy refreshes.

    ► Once unlocked Bastila you can replace Han Solo and Traya by Bastila and Aayla, because as are not jedi will not be applied the Bastila leader ability and they will be easy to kill by the enemy, is better use a full jedi team. Anyway, Han Solo will be an important character for credit heist and training droids ҽvents, where is needed scoundrels, plus other scoundrel and rebel ҽvents, and at 7 stars with the zeta ability applied will be an important character for the The Pit rancor raid and a lot of other parts of the game. Traya also will be important in several parts of the game.

    ► After get Yoda you can replace Aayla, to have both Obi-Wan in the same team will be very hard for the rest of players, so is better replace Aayla than replace Old Ben.

    Ahsoka and Windu will not be useful in the arena at the beginning, only will be useful to get Yoda and for the fleet arena.

    Fleet arena strategy

    ► Being rank 1 everyday you will have enough crystals to start to buy Bossk shards, that has the best ship, the Hound's Tooth, a tank ship that gets and stacks protection up with every received hit, dispels all his own debuff with the basic while recover HP and gets turn meter when the enemy attack other ships, so is a ship very powerful, very hard to kill, specially at the beginning of the game and during several months. Hound's Tooth only is farmable from level 82 in the 8-D Light Side hard battle and Bossk only is farmable from level 85 in the 9-B Dark Side hard battle, so the only way to get Bossk and Hound's Tooth earlier is to farm them by crystals, something that will not be a problem for you thanks to be rank 1 everyday without arena refreshes. Most of other players in your fleet arena server will not do that and they will wait level 85 to start to use that ship, so will be very easy for you to get rank 1 everyday, probably you will get rank 1 everyday with only 1 battle per day, or maybe you will stay at rank 1 all the day. Most of players who get level 60 and unlock ships are not good players being in the top of their squad arena, are players in other servers that currently are rank 50, 100, 200 or 500, so are not getting a lot of crystals and they will not be able to buy Bossk and Hound's Tooth shards, so you will have a very big advantage in the fleet arena, if you get Hound's Tooth you will assure be always in the top.

    It means that you will dominate both arenas at the beginning of the game, at least during the first 3 or 4 months, from level 28 to 85, you will get all things faster than rest of players in your arena servers, so you will be in the top always, getting 900 crystals everyday. It makes not needed buy crystals, is not needed pay to win, is not needed be a whale, you will be better than all your whales in your server, at least during the first 5 or 6 months you will be one of the best players, when everyone get the same # then is easier get the top, but meanwhile you will dominate the arenas, so you will improve the account very fast, you will be able to play in a better guild than rest of players and get Hermit Yoda and Wampa faster thanks to get better rewards in Territory Battles and Territory Wars, you will have a better roster for Grand Arena, so your account will be very fun thanks to that hoard system, you will be the best or one of the best players of your server and very soon one of the best players of this game.

    Different or multiple ways

    Also you can choose different ways, like use a nighsisters team or a phoenix team at the beginning.

    ► The Nighsisters are very good at the beginning, is better than a Bastila team, only a Revan team is better, so is one of the best ways. You can get Daka instead of Ahsoka in the cantina store, you can get Asajj instead of Windu in the arena shipments, you can farm Talia and Acolyte in the cantina nodes, also farmable by the guild shop if you prefer, and you can farm Mother Talzin by crystals at the beginning, later from level 82 in the 8-A Light Side hard node. You can get Zombie for free with the montly nighsisters ҽvent or can be very near to unlock by crystals and later farm her from level 76 in the 8-D Dark Side hard node. Also you can get Initiate easily in the Galactic War store. Nighsisters, with the Asajj zeta leader ability, can solo the heroic The Pit T7 rancor raid and also with the Mother Talzin zeta can solo the heroic ATT raid, plus do a lot of damage in the Sith raid, is the best squad for phase 3 and 4, so is very good at the beginning, you can stay in the top always during the first 3 or 4 months, but later will be needed switch to a different team, because the Revan team and the Palpatine or Traya teams can defeat them easily, so you will drop a lot of positions from the 4th to 5th month.

    ► The Phoenix team only is good at the beginning, when everyone start to get Bastila and specially when they get Yoda will be very easy for them defeat you, so only is a good team in the first 55 or 60 levels, while the rest of players are farming Bastila and the other jedis, but is a good option for fleet arena, because Phantom II and Ghost are very good ships useful during all levels, you can use them with Hound's Toothfrom level 60 to 85 and continue using them some more months, Ghost is very good because his unique abilty reduce 25% the enemy potency, it makes harder to apply negative effects to Hound's Tooth, like buff immunity, that is the best way to defeat HT, but is harder when Ghost is active. Also is good because applies stealth to one ship and himself and is a fast ship, so the enemy only will be able to attack HT. Phantom II is good to protect Ghost, because taunt everytime than Ghost receive a critical hit and gains foresight at same time, when foresight expires gain stealth again, so is a good mechanism, a good synergy, and also Phantom II can do a lot of damage with his special and is a very fast ship that inflict target lock at the beginning of the battle, so is good with Biggs, that gain taunt when an enemy gets target lock, so is a good way while you get Hound's Tooth or to use as reinforcement. Also all of them are rebel, so are good to get Palpatine, and Kanan and Ezra are jedi, so with Old Ben, Aayla and Windu is enough to get 7 stars Yoda and switch to a Bastila team from level 60. They are needed to get Thrawn, one of the best characters of the game that has the best capital ship at the beginning, specially to kill the enemy Hound's Tooth, the instant kill will make it much more easier.

    ► When you buy the account you can choose your preferred characters to farm. Is a good way to buy a 2 or 3 months account, if available, that just got Young Han Solo and then start your own strategy, because by default all accounts will have Old Ben and Aayla from guild shop, because is the most interesting thing, so if you prefer use Nighsisters is better buy the account as soon as possible.

    ► You can think about to buy 2 or 3 accounts and start them in the same server at same time, by this way try different things, like one accont with a Jedi and Bastila team from the beginning, one account with a Nighsisters team and another account with a Phoenix team, or maybe a Bounty Hunters, Scoundrels+HS, Imperial Troopers, Clones Troopers+GK, First Order or Palpatine+Traya account, and different fun options.

    Shards by crystals: Jedi Training Rey & Nihilus

    When is unlocked the weekly shop at level 22 you can buy Old Ben shards by crystals, it can make faster to get him to 7 stars and then you can start to farm a different character. Is possible to buy 40 Old Ben by 50 crystals each, so 2.000 crystals every 40 shards. To buy Old Benshards will not make it faster to get a 7 stars character than buying only Young Han Solo shards. Also is possible buy Boba Fett, Darth Maul, Dooku, Sidious, Grievous, Wedge, Lando, Biggs, Stormtrooper Han, Leia, Luke, Qui-Gon Jinn, Rey, Kylo Ren, Finn, Poe, Veteran Han, Veteran Chewie, CW Chewie and Fulcrum Ahsoka, but these characters are not very interesting, are not part of the current #.

    Only are interesting if you want to get Jedi Training Rey from the beginning, buying Veteran Han and Veteran Chewie shards, plus Finn and Scavenger Rey, buying also Kylo Ren, because will be needed to unlock BB-8, that is needed to get JTR, so you can use a First Order team at the beginning, that is enough good to keep the top, they can defeat everyone, including Bastila teams. In this case would be needed to farm TIE/FE FO Pilot instead of Young Han Solo, that also has his own spot, and also will be possible get Kylo Ren to 7 stars adding up the guild shop shards. Then will be needed farm Unmasked Kylo Ren with the cantina energy, you will get his ship at same time, so will be nice for fleet arena, and then with rest of energy you can start to farm Executioner. With the cantina you will get very fast First Order Officer, so with him, Kylo Ren, Unmasked Kylo Ren, TIE/FE FO Pilot and Executioner you will be able to get BB-8. Also you can farm Phasma with the Galactic War currecy, but is better not farm anything in the Galactic War shop to later buy ship blueprints. To farm Executioner enough fast will be needed buy 3 cantina refreshes everyday. Later also you can farm FOTP for a better First Order arena team and his ship, while you get the JTR team.

    If you like the JTR farming strategy for a better team will be needed R2-D2, so will be good to have the rebels ready to get Palpatine, and then with Palpatine, Darth Vader, Tarkin, Stark and TIE Fighter you will be able to get him at least at 5 stars, so could be good to farm TIE/FE FO Pilot, Kylo Ren and Stark in the guild shop, so you can accelerate the rebels farming buying some shards.

    Another easier way is to farm Resistance Trooper, that works very well with JTR, because gain a lot of turn meter, everytime than a resistance ally scores a critical hit there is 70% chance to expose the enemy, and then Resistance Trooper gain 50% turn meter (55% at level 72), so is a good option instead of R2-D2 or instead of Scavenger Rey. Is farmable by the guild shop and the 3-A Light Side hard node.

    With Jedi Training Rey, Scavenger Rey, BB-8, General Kenobi and R2-D2/Resistance Trooper you will have another good team for arena and for raids. Is a more harder way and expensive way, but if you like to spend money in the game is a very good and fun way.

    Another interesting character is Darth Nihilus, needed if you want build a Darth Traya team, his price is 80 crystals per shard, so 40 shards per week is 3.200 crystals.

    Currently the crystals cost around 1 dollar every 125 crystals, so is an expensive way promote Darth Nihilus to 7 stars, would be 26.400 crystals, so around 175 dollars, but you can simply unlock him from the beginning, before join in the arena server, that only is 50 shards, so only is around 30 dollars, buying the 2.800 crystals pack plus the 1.340 crystals pack would be enough, or also only with the 2.800 crystals pack and saving crystals during 2 hoard months also will be enough, that consist in not buy sim tickets, but then will be needed keep the challanges gears between 100 and 150 or simulate them manually, you can join in the account and do it manualy to not be needed buy sim tickets. I remember is needed 2.500 sim tickets to simulate the 25.000 hoarded energy, so is needed continue buying sim tickets always than you have crystals, but if you want Nihilus only with the 2.800 crystals pack will be needed simulate less challenges during 2 months, only simulating the credits, mats and training droids challenges and avoiding the rest of challenges. I will not have time to play it manually, but you can do it by yourself if you want apply this strategy to not be needed buy also the 1.340 crystals pack.

    If you want accelerate some farming also is possible, in shipments at low levels sometimes appears Aayla, Old Ben, Barriss, Windu, Ahsoka, Jedi Consular, Luminara and Qui-Gon Jinn shards, all of them by 50 crystals per shard, so it could help to farm the jedis faster.

    An interesting thing about to use crystals is that if you play the raids with your hoard account, with a better roster you will be able to get a better rank on raids, so you will get Han Solo and Darth Traya faster, and maye also General Kenobi if you can get rank 2 or 3.

    Payment methods

    I accept PlayerUp payment system and PayPal, both systems are good for a buyer protection system, but as you can see I'm a verified user that already sold around 15 accounts here, you can check my old topics marked as sold where I not received any negative comment, only positive, and as you can see I have a lot of info about the hoard system that indicates that this is a real opportunity, your transaction will be safe all the time, if you want directly link the hoard account in your device we can do it very fast, in less than 10 minutes, the link process is the same if you are iOS or Android, you will be using the account and you will be happy with the transaction and the fast link process, specially if you use PayPal as payment platform, because I can manage all the process by myself, is not needed intermediaries like in the PlayerUp system, so is much more faster, but if you prefer the PlayerUp system let me know in a new answer and I will create the payment link for you.

    Also I can accept bank transfer, I have bank account in Spain (Caixabank) and Germany (N26), that are eurozone SEPA transfers.

    You can check below my contact data to chat with me and talk about it, you can talk with me by WhatsApp, Facebook, Skype, Line, Telegram, Discord, Twitter, Instagram or mail, I share all my social media so this demonstrates that I'm a real person with a real service and a safe payment system. I'm using all chat platforms and I will answer instantly.

    ● WhatsApp: +34 684 21 75 56

    ● Facebook: Quim LC | Facebook

    ● Skype (QUIMLC): Menéame

    ● Telegram: Telegram: Contact @QUIMLC

    ● Line: QUIMLC

    ● Discord: Quim#3389

    ● Mail: [email protected]

    ● Twitter:

    ● Instagram: Quim LC (@quimlc) • Instagram photos and videos

    ► Also you can check my SWGoH forum about the hoard accounts where you can check more info about it, the link is:

    Star Wars: Galaxy of Heroes - Método Quim - Foro

    This is a hidden subforum, is not visible from the main domain, only is visible from that last link.

    If you have some question also you can answer this topic.

    See you soon!!
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    ¡NEW POST!

    I needed create a new post because is not possible edit the first post and my strategy changed completely because I added a second guild that will be doing 12k tickets per day, plus the 18k tickets of the first guild it will be 30k tickets per day, so much more better rewards and guild currency, so if you got here without read the other post is better if you directly read the new post. This is the link:

    Selling - Android and iOS - Hoard accounts with Han Solo, General Kenobi & Darth Traya | Dominate the arenas from level 28 | PlayerUp Accounts Marketplace. Player 2 Player Secure Platform.

    #5 QLC, 3/6/19
    Last edited: 3/16/19
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