Sold [XB1] Forza Horizon 4 Credit Service| Up to 950m Credits

Discussion in 'Forza Horizon Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by General Forums &, 2/28/19.

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  1. General Forums &

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    Glue and FluxMD's Forza Horizon 4 Credit Service

    Ever wanted to buy every car in the game but you're broke?
    @FluxMD and I offer a service where we can give you up to 950m credits within minutes

    Do you need my account info?
    Yes, since FH4 is play anywhere. I'll need it to login on my pc and modify your credits

    How can I trust you with my account?
    I've done gamerscore boosting for many people, which required account info as well. I don't really care about your account nor do I want it. Taking it would ruin my service and I'd most likely be banned instantly off site.

    You could also make a dummy or second account and I'd modify credits on there.

    What are the chances of me getting banned?
    There's always a risk of you getting banned, I'm not too sure how high it is. But I've had 950m credits on my main ever since the game came out and have received 0 bans or resets.

    What do I need completed before purchasing this service?
    We ask that you complete the prologue up until you are able to buy cars from the auto show.

    How much do you charge for this service?
    950 million credits on an account you created -$20
    Pre-made accounts with 950 million credits - $30

    Pretty cheap, right?

    What you will receive:
    950 million credits on Forza Horizon 4

    Payments: Paypal or BTC

    In the picture below, you can see that I have 4 cars and 940million credits.
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