Selling [Selling] Multiple Master account

Discussion in 'Heroes of the Storm Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by DiA-, 2/24/19.

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  1. DiA-

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    Hi, i'm selling my Heroes Of The Storm account, I've been playing it since beta and reached Master in Hero League last 5 seasons, of course I am the original owner.
    It also got TONS of skins and cosmetics, here is the whole thing, some informations arent accurate to avoid Blizzard investigation :

    Region : EU
    Level : 800-900
    Champions : 78 champions owned out of 84
    Gold : 10000
    Shards : 1300+
    Gems : 0
    HL MMR : Master
    TL MMR : None (almost never played TL so if you go into placements you'll probably end up in gold)

    --NO LONGER AVAILABLES : Here i'm only listing things that aren't anymore available, it means the only way for anyone to have these is to buy my account (,:


    Beta Hero (awarded to those who reached the maximum level before the end of the beta)
    Launch week (awarded to those who logged on during the launch week)
    Wonder Billie (awarded to those who made a real-money purchase during technical alpha/beta)
    Facebook. event (launch event)
    Dragons of the Nexus (4)
    2nd and 3rd year anniversary
    Veteran Hero (not sure how I obtained it exactly beside playing before HotS 2.0)
    Preseason Hero League (rank 26)
    Officer D.Va and Oni Genji (Nexus Challenge 2.0)
    ###Those are HGC twitch reward : This means you will never ever get one again since HGC will never come back, HGC 2018 were the last HGC.
    HGC 2018 Classic & Rare
    Team Dignitas, Fnatic & Gen.G 2018
    Lunar Rooster 2017
    2018 Lunar Festival
    Pachimari Mania
    Pantera Sonya
    HL MASTER : 2017 S3; 2018 S1; 2018 S2; 2018 S3; 2018 S4


    Celestial Billie
    Celestial Serpent
    Celestial Ursa
    Celestial Raptor
    Celestial Steed
    Mechanospider (Facebook. launch event)
    Chaos Lizard (HGC 2018)
    Wonder Billie
    Hell Billie
    Glitch Steed
    Nexus Charger
    Golden Nexus Charger
    2015 Champion Nexagon (Cloud9 Mount)
    2018 Mid Season Brawl Nexagon (Gen.G Mount)
    Epic Deepcrawler (Master version)
    Epic Technolope (Master version)
    Epic Direhorn (Master version)
    Epic Boar (Master version)
    Epic Cybersteed (Master version)
    Elemental Stag (Normal version)
    Elemental Lion (Normal version)
    Many event mounts that are currently not available but may be available again for purchase in futur.

    DM me on Discord for more informations : Anderson#0001
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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