Selling Crossout account lvl 22 inventory price between 12,000-13,000

Discussion in 'Crossout Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by corusflager, 2/23/19.

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  1. corusflager

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    I really loved this game but I´m soon entering to collegue so I don´t want distractions, the inventory has a price who changes by the economy but never goes below 12,000 coins. Also it has included the arachnophobia and the inventors pack so you´re getting a 55$ and a 70$ vehicules (with all their parts), a decent lvl account and a lot more of content. I´m gonna list the important items but it has a lot more of common parts

    1.- cabins
    3 epics.- Quantum, steppe spider and humbpack

    2.- weapons
    4 vectors, one defender, 5 rapiers, 1 skinner, 3 phoenixes, 3 synteshis, 10 avengers, 2 executiones, 2 incinerators, 2 fatmans,2 wasps, 2 borers, 2 falcons and 2 explosive spears

    3.- party
    dual horse, hazardous, gas generator, heavy generator, hardcore, CS tamyr, extra ammo box (the purple one), charmeleeon, R2-CHILL, powerful radar, scope, and neutrino

    4.- wheels
    4 icarus, 4 legs, 2 tank tracks and 4 big wheels

    5.- Decoration
    a lot of lights, bags and two flags, total of 17

    6.- customization kits
    web, crater, dark red, bars and white metal

    stickers: festive avenger, they shall not pass, crab it, purr love and 2 eyes of the beast

    28 purple items
    41 blue items

    5,000 scrap
    400 wires
    80 cobre
    30 coupons
    90 enginner badges

    enginners lvl 22
    lunnatics lvl 7
    nomads lvl 5
    scavengers lvl 5

    Masterjack lvl 5
    Perseus lvl 5
    stone-deaf lvl 10
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