Selling  120K Gems, Multiple Octavious and Acquarius, Top Arena Account

Discussion in 'Deck Heroes Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by james1726, 2/19/19.

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  1. james1726

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    atk 89
    hp 384
    dodge 10.05%
    hit rate 37.32%
    Skill potency 34.36%
    Skill resist 14.19%
    crit rate 33.18%
    crit resist 24.22%
    Noble lords boots (Muddle)
    Plane walker Staff & Dragon Hide Gloves (Harrow)

    Omni shards:
    737x4*, 137x5*

    Taskmistress 4
    Captivator lvl 7 (195/100)
    Spirit Arbiter lvl 7
    Vile Songstress lvl 4 (protection, group tactics,Lucidity)
    Vile Songstress lvl 7 (protection, GT, Lucidity)
    Oceanus lvl 7 (125/100)
    Thor lvl 7 (174/100) Extra lvl 3
    Blade master lvl 6 (123/100)
    Judgement lvl7 (520/100)
    Overlord (428/100) already have 1x lvl 6 and 2 x lvl 1
    Warlock lvl 8 (100/100) Extra lvl 6 & lvl 1
    Armageddon (133/100) already have 1x lvl 4 with GT & Deathless10 & 1 x lvl 2
    Guardian dragon (130/100)
    Alchemist lvl 1
    all other usual 5* heroes lvl 1-5
    All 4* Heroes lvl 10

    many different, here only main:
    Neander Meld V <— choose any 5* to meld
    Octavius X 3 (1 with rec 1) others 1 x non melded and 1 x non-evolved
    Dragon lancer (magma breath lvl 7) not evolved
    Granite Dragon Revive (Extra 1 x 30% rec 2)
    Flare summoner Revive (Extra 1 with Fatigue 7)
    Capricorn (Sacrifice 8 @ 90%)
    Kitsune 1 x Frost Blade 10 & 1 x Revive & 1 x Battleblow 6
    Kuminho 2 x Revive
    Taurus Evolved with injured 7 and flaming
    Nidhogg Revive x 1 & Rec 1
    Spirit caller
    Saggitarius Sacrifice lvl 8 (Extra 2 non evolved)
    Soul Shrew Evolved with Thor’s rage 3
    Scorpio Evolved Tempest 3
    Virgo Evolved injured 5
    Plague doctor (Evolved Voodoo lvl 1)
    Hanzo (Evolved Reflect lvl 3)
    Aquarius x 4
    Ordnance Evolved with Maji shield 3
    Mimir Tree Revive with Battleblow 13, Block 11 & I9
    2 x Alice Evolved with flurry and bless 3
    Blood Elf Evolved with FA 1 and bless 1
    Leo Evolved with Toxicity
    Mythril drone Recycle 2 @ 100% need 1 more copy
    Mythril drone Revive
    Paragon Immunity 10 x 2 and I9 x 1
    Cancer Evolved Bloodlust lvl 4 with 2 Extra non evolved (3 x I10 in total)
    Columbus Evolved Dodge lvl 5

    3 x lvl 12/ lvl 11/ 2 x lvl 10/ 3 x lvl 9/ 3 x lvl 8 & 1x lvl 7 Omni Skill

    A lot of Queen temptress recycle 1 & 10 x Retreats
    Horned beast recycle 2 x 3

    Titan bangle lvl 3 x 2, lvl 1
    Dreamer's chalice lvl 3 x 2
    6500 omni artifact fragments

    1 x lvl 4 Emperor's will with 6 x lvl 3
    3 x lvl 3 Emperors ward
    1 x lvl 5 Emperors soul and 1 x lvl 4 with 22 x lvl 3
    2 x lvl3 Emperors breath
    27 Spark
    Many rare materials as acidic jawbone

    Creatures runes 5*:
    Concealed strike lvl 9
    Protean lvl 9
    Revive Lvl 7
    Violence lvl 8
    Immunity lvl 5
    Sacrifice lvl 5 x 4
    Protean lvl 6 x 4 and lvl 5 x 2
    Vitality too many
    Violence too many
    many 4* runes
    Heroes runes 5*:
    All vigor lvl 7 & 5
    All might lvl 7 & 5
    Neander vigor lvl 6 ; lvl1 x5
    Neadnder might lvl 1
    Faen might lvl 1 x2
    Human might lvl 1
    Mortii vigor lvl 1 x2
    Faen Vigor lvl 1 x2
    Human Vigor lvl 3, lvl1 x2
    Haste lvl 4
    Sorcery lvl 1 x2
    Hero vigor lvl8, lvl 6 x 1, lvl 5 x 5
    Initial rage lvl 6 and lvl 5 x 6
    Heal amplify 4* lvl1
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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