Our platform allows users to use the platform for free and we offer many game sections for all the traders, sellers and buyers. Although your game, Second Life is very very old and not popular anymore, it does mean we don't know about this game. You didn't just ignore the given guidelines that admin and Middleman describe for everyone, you also could not prove the ownership of your account ??? Besides that, you are selling free account that anyone can just sign up for free to get it. People also can just put any freebies to game accounts' inventory. If you are really this game user, you could have known already. There are users claiming to be legit and use Middleman by posting exaggerated price especially with old games that no one wants anymore. Reputation is born by building it, not claiming from someone else. Don't get Middleman involved with this. If you really want to solve this issue, send us the codes that we sent thru PM in world(in game) to prove your account first and then you need to identify your legacy account, not free account that anyone can sign up anymore.