Sold Global EU server lvl 80 Whale account with fully geared HOV, full 6S, SS phoenix, SS KMB, CH.

Discussion in 'Honkai Impact Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Rainzat, 2/11/19.

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  1. Rainzat

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    My Location:
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    EU server veteran whale account, weekly MA top 100 and myriad player
    Current Best abyss team set up of fully geared HOV with both maxed void key and aria gun, SS ranked KMB shared skill unlocked, CH and snowy SS ranked with maxed tyr's hand+schroT.
    other notable units - fully geared 6s with nohime set, SS ranked phoenix with maxed cinder hawk glove, SSS NS with maxed skoll and hati, schro band T and B.
    5 SSS ranked characters - SD, VP with maxed judah, DP, Miko,NS
    Near SSS - VC, Snowy
    SS ranked characters - KMB, Phoenix, FS, VC, SS, WD, SF, CI, VR, IR
    others - mostly S-ranked
    many maxed stigmas and weapons!
    Paypal payment only!
    Mihoyo account bound only with unused gmail.
    Will provide both in trade.
    Kik/line - rainzat

    [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG]
    #1 Rainzat, 2/11/19
    Last edited: 2/12/19
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