Selling  iOS  High End Lv 70, 225k Tech Team, 1.5m TCP, Top 5 Arena, Stockpiling Gold, Orbs Cores, will play till sale.

Discussion in 'Marvel Strike Force Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by LukefromSydney, 1/19/19.

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  1. LukefromSydney

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    Hey ladies and gents,

    Very committed player with stringently set goals who has to give up the game for a better life-gaming balance. Over $2k invested in this account. Discord: #

    Running an absolute beast Tech Team in Arena (225k), Strong Defenders (155k) and Guardians (165k), Recently unlocked and working on Nick Fury + S.H.I.E.L.D. Team (100k), Brotherhood Team ready for next Magneto Event (100k). Will continue to focus on Nick Fury and S.H.I.E.L.D. Team until sold, as well as Groot (recent announcement advises of significant Groot rework, allowing for a more raid viable Guardians team).

    Once I knew I was selling, I began stockpiling Orbs, Gold, and Power Cores. Will continue to do so until sold. At the point of posting, I have 3.9m in Gold, 14 Orbs, and 2k in Power Cores.

    Mystic 3.9 Campaign 3 Starred for Vision Farming.
    5x City Heroes at 7* for Block Party Event (Orange Ability Materials)
    5x Mercenaries at 6* for Pay Day Event
    5x Hand at 6* for Relic Hunt Event

    50% of Dark Dimension (Enter the Darkness) completed for the first time.

    5 Red Stars on: Black Widow, Spider-man, Kingpin and others.
    4 Red Stars on: Captain America, Night Nurse, Nick Fury, x2 S.H.I.E.L.D. Minions, Dardevil, Jessica Jones, Ms Marvel, Loki and others.
    Various 3, 2, and 1 Red Star Characters.

    7 Yellow Stars on: Rocket Raccoon, Star Lord, Crossbones, Night Nurse, Spider-Man, Daredevil, Luke Cage, Jessica Jones, Gamora, Yondu, Drax, and more.
    6 Yellow Stars on: Black Widow, Captain America, Hawkeye, Iron Man, Quake (ready for 7*, haven't spent gold to upgrade), S.H.I.E.L.D. Medic, S.H.I.E.L.D. Security, (ready for 7*, haven't spent gold to upgrade), Iron First, Punisher, and many more.

    I'm not a big Blitz Player, but easily attain the top 10% with my current roster.

    Raids: 70% in Ultimus VI, 40% in Gamma VI. I was alliance leader of my top 400 alliance, where I was one of the top damage contributors with this account the entire time. Easily an account that could gain a place in a top 2% alliance, with solid raid teams.
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    ByScarface likes this.
  2. ByScarface

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    can you look on your discord
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  3. KriegCL

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    Hello there,I'm interested in your stock :D

    More details we can talk on Skype/discord.
    [email protected]

    AOA WTB#9618

    Easier and faster i think XD
    will reply you asap
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