Sold [WTS] R182 HL ACC - Whale Hades Grid, Endgame grids, 121 SSRs, 3x FLB Juuten, etc.

Discussion in 'Granblue Fantasy Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by /u/seneza, 2/7/19.

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  1. /u/seneza

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    WTS R182 HL account.


    Limited SSRs

    Fire: Beatrix (Themed), Ilsa (Summer), Io (Summer), Sturm (Grand)

    Water: Arulumaya (Holiday), Narmaya (Summer), Izmir (Summer), Europa (Grand), Drang (Grand)

    Earth: Eugen (Grand), Mahira (Zodiac)

    Wind: Jeanne D'Arc (Themed), Korwa (Summer), Lecia (Grand), Rosetta (Grand), Siegfried (Summer)

    Light: Mary (Holiday), Metera (Holiday), Naoise (Summer), Kumbhira (Zodiac)

    Dark: Black Knight (Grand), Danua (Summer), Olivia (Grand), Orchid (Grand), Zooey (Grand)

    Juuten: Cake (5), Feo (5), Seox (5), Uno (4), Seo (4), Nio (4)

    Non-ticketable Summons: Agni (0), Bahamut (4), Europa (0), GO (0), Hades (3), Kaguya (0), Titan (3), Varuna (3)

    400+ FE, 3500+ 1/2, 300+ SBalm, 11k+ Sberry, 8 Gold Brick, 4 Dama Brick, 2 Sunlight Stones, and ENDGAME grids for every element.

    Every element has the full Xeno wep, light has SIX 4* Chev swords, Dark has four FLB Gisla, Parazonium, Blutgang, and DAO Swords.

    Looking for $550, but I am open to offers! The absolute worst I can do is say no! Accepted payment is PayPal F&F, PP w/ mm, or BTC. PM on Discord at necropot#4380 for more details or to offer.

    # #/seneza
    # .
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