Decked out 12.4k GWF and 11.4k TR, HoTN/Knight of Feywild Account!

Discussion in 'Neverwinter Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Games, 2/24/14.

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  1. Games

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    This account comes with 2 lvl 60 Characters on the Mindflayer server:

    1st is a male Dark Elf(pre-order Hero of the North race) Trickster Rogue with full set of Swashbucklers Armor and the Ancient Castle Champion Daggers. BiS blue armor pen belt. All gear has rank 7 Enchants included. He also has Leadership at lvl 17 and leatherworker at 12 or 13. Lots of gear in bank(maxed out slots as well)

    2nd is a male human Great Weapon Fighter with full set of Avatar of War armor, though he is wearing half Avatar of War and half Vigilant Warlord's armor. BiS blue armor pen belt. He has the Ancient Castle Champions Weapon set with Greater Plaguefire Enchantment and all gear is enchanted with Rank 7 enchants. Mailsmithing at lvl 12 and leadership at 7. He also has a bunch of unbound epic gear.

    This account also comes with a low level toon that is the GM of a guild with 2 bank tabs! for extra storage. I will post pictures as soon as i can, i just wanted to get this listing up before i head to work.

    This account is a Hero of the North and a Knight of the Feywild, so you can receive both packs on any toon you create. 6 Slots on the account for extra toons. About 100k in astral diamonds and about 100-150 gold between the two as well.

    Above all, i will not go first unless you have a Higher iTrader rating on this site than me. I am willing to use a Middleman service offered on this site but you will assume the fee's associated with that avenue. PM me with offers!


    Forgot to Mention both Toons have the Ioun Stone of Allure at lvl 25 as well.

    Bump, and just so we're clear, it's not that i WONT deal with you if you have a lower iTrader rating than me, it's just that i WONT give my account information first before payment Thanks.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Here are the pictures i promised!

    The Bank of the Guild you will own

    The GWF

    The Trickster Rogue

    - - - Updated - - -

    For some reason they won't load, so just click on them.

    The Great Bumpino!


    Bump before bed


    Bump still up for sale!

    still up for sale folks! Willing to go 100$ for this amazing account! i just no longer have time for it. I know ill never be able to make back what i've invested, but atleast someone should get some enjoyment out of it!

    Bump before bed time, and still for sale

    pm me your skype

    still for sale, and still asking only 100$, come buy this great account in time for the module 2 update!


    Pm me your skype

    This account has been sold!
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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