Rogue BIS on every slot, high rank important runes, ioun stone max lvl and good items. 350k AD. Nightmare mount, 24 slot bag. This rogue kicks ***. cleric lvl 28 with T2 gear sitting in bags waiting for lvl 60, Ioun stone and Galeb Duhr pets. Full gear for ioun stone on this char also. Guardian fighter lvl 60 3 full sets "timeless hero" "high general" "knight captain" ioun stone of allure with full gear. and a BIG bank full of blue enchants/training stones/shards Also has the bugged lvl 38 sword and 42 chest UNBOUND, should be really nice to sell since u cant get them anymore! Im looking mainly for a good RIFT account but ill take offers on other games also. I will only sell to other swedes that can do bank transfer. /Ete Hey, i want to trade the account with you if you are looking for a wow account you can get that!: ) - - - Updated - - - One more thing you can also get a LoL acc to with it! hmu on skype I have GW2 max rogue also a wow account with 5 90s 4 with bis pvp gear(D3 account atatcted with a 60 barb paragon lvl 9 70k dmg runs mp4 smooth) - - - Updated - - - xxg101xx skype