Sold A heavily invested account(P2P)

Discussion in 'Captain Tsubasa Dream Team Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by /u/Laxxuz, 2/1/19.

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  1. /u/Laxxuz

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    Full green, red and blue team. Max lb blue team with s99 windmill muller and all other skills maxed out. Roberto hongo s36 and df nitta S40+

    Green team salinas, df Hino and df Santana with little investment in them.

    Red team has df Schneider with some pretty strong players to back him up

    I really liked the game but I haven’t had the time to play it much so I would like to just sell it and put my mind at ease because I spent a lot on the account.

    $70 and the account is all yours.

    Pm me for more details.

    # #/Laxxuz
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