Flash Sale -- January only. Highlight: 6 Star Moana, 5.8 Star Baymax Moana: 6 Stars, memories ready. Baymax is nearly 6 (5.8) stars, and already has enough friendship memory for a 3-star-disk. Other Heroes are good too. Notice this account has EVERY hero. ("Hades" is there, just at the bottom, I don't use him or level him, but he's there at 3 stars.) Diamond Crate Level 17 Coliseum & Arena: All 3 Trials are 3-Starred on Absurd, so Raidable VIP, Daily 120 Diamond Deals have 55 days left (this screenshot was taken on 1/22)
Do you happen to have a separate Facebook account for game-use only? Of course, your real Facebook account is good too, but normally, people would prefer to protect their privacy. Typically, buying involves the following step: 1. Click the buy link 2. Setup the alternate Facebook account for fake use only l 3. Give me the account password 4. I link it to the game 5. You access the game from your end and sign in with the Facebook account— done.