Looking for 1bil castle maxed out with champ, paragon etc. Should have gold and rss. Must be able to port to my realm. Buy Now - PlayerUp Middleman Service
you can't to jump to another realm with that kind of castle. But i'm selling my account now, 1,550B might, realm 177. we will merge this week end after the rvr, if you are looking for fun. top ally in 177, top 3 in leaderboard. castle 32, all important building to 32, imperial gears (not all of them as it's hard to get them, i've done many imperial games but i have the best of them). also good gears for pretty much everything you want to do in game. i have around 2000$ worth of items and boosters. one of the best profiles. 177 is called the golden realm, we won all the RvRs, we lost only 2 because we didn't play them. castle is a wood producer, it produces 225M wood in 24H. for more informations contact me