Selling Maple Royal Account (20b)

Discussion in 'Maplestory Private Server Accounts for Sale - Buy & Sell' started by GucciPUMMMMP, 1/31/19.

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  1. GucciPUMMMMP

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    Hi Guys

    I have been botting on mapleroyal for a while now.

    I got bored and with UNI coming up i want to sell my account , My account has a networth of about 20-25b i can get the screenshots if interested.

    Whats on the account :

    - Approximately 12 1B coins
    - 10 CS
    - 13/15 WS
    - Multiple other scrolls worth 20-150m
    -800m theif thing.

    Like i said i know this is brief but if interested please pm me and ill go into more details on serious buyers.

    I am also not looking for much as im...
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