For some time I wanted to sell my only FFBE account in which I have been working for 2 years, since a while ago I was bored with the game, but I know the time/money that I have invested, so I would like to recover something. This photo is from January 30, 2019 This account have: Full story and bosses/raid clear until today's update 31/01/19. This espers lvl. -x15 select summon tickets. x6200 trust coins. -22 7* units (3 limited units), all them with their own TMR and almost all witch full pots: WL Fina (witch ench.) Orlandou (witch ench.) 2x Christine (witch ench.) Basch Trance terra (witch ench.) Lulu Zargabaath (witch ench.) Reberta (witch ench.) Ace Aileen (witch ench.) Awakened Rain Blossom Sage sakura Lunera (witch ench.) Marie (witch ench.) Nyx (witch ench.) Rem (witch ench.) Lorem (witch ench.) Viktor (witch ench.) Roy (witch ench.) VoL (witch ench.) Olive -56 base 5* units (Without counting free events units during these 2 years, almost all to the maximum level , 4 limited units). 2x Aloha lasswell A2 Ayaka Dragoon Kain 2x Balthier Barbariccia Beatrix Circe Dark Fina Dragon lord 3x Duke Fayt 2xElfreeda Eiko 2x Delita Dark knigth Cecil Gilgamesh Gladious Jiraiya Knigth Delita 2x Ligthning Lila 2x Luneth Lunera Machina 2x Mediena 2x nameless Gunner jake Noctis Onion Knigth Orleandou 2x Prince Promto Pyro Glacial Lasswell Ramza (witch ench.) Rena Ray Jack Seaside nichol Tidus (witch ench.) Veritas of the dark Yuna Trance terra Tifa Queen Ignis Heavely Tecnician Lid -A lot of TMR, almost all my units are complete: -A LOT of pots! I have used this account for 2 years and I have not had any problems using Nox. Questions or queries can ask me here: