Selling  Rare IOS account!! Lvl 108 | 9k7.7K gems with 7 Revivers & 5 Rec 2 in total + Blade Shard!

Discussion in 'Deck Heroes Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by JuliusBoom, 1/30/19.

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  1. JuliusBoom

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    Price $:
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    IOS account is using gmail Attached to the Game Center
    Level: 108
    Gems: 97,684 (before alice bond)
    Gold: 677 K
    Lucky Points: 109k!!
    Ore : 232k

    glory: tons

    hp 250
    dodge 20.41%
    hit rate 21.83%
    Skill potency 34.36%
    Skill resist 31.19%
    crit rate 41.40%
    crit resist 11.81%
    Noble Lords Armor (BS)
    Noble Lords Blade is (Harrow)

    Omni shards:
    181x4*, 87x5*


    Hero Omni x 6

    Taskmistress lvl 8
    Captivator lvl 4
    Wraith Hunter lvl 5
    Vile Songsterer lvl 4 (protection, group tactics,mass charm)
    Vile Songstress lvl 4 (protection, Freezing Dance, Lucidity)
    Oceanus (96/100)
    Thor lvl 1
    Blade master lvl I
    Judgement lvl 5
    Overlord lvl 1
    Warlock lvl 8 (Prot, Freezing Dance & F10)
    Guardian Dragon

    many, here are few of the main:
    Faen Meld V <— choose any 5* to meld
    Octavius X 4 (1 with picking off lvl 5 & 1 with Detonate lvl 5)
    Lord Aldritch x 3
    Magmus B.B. 7 Revive
    Rec 2 unmelded
    Dragon lancer (magma breath lvl 5) not evolved
    Taurus Sac 10(Extra 1x Life sap 4)
    Abaddon Revive (with Retaliate 9)
    Capricorn (Incinerate evolve)
    Spirit Caller Revive with extra 1
    Snow Harlot x 2 evolve
    Nidhogg Rec 2
    Horned B Rec 2 x 2 & Rec 1 x 3
    Rec2 Evolve Voodoo8
    Freya evolve Warlust
    Saggitarius Sac lvl 8 (Extra 1)
    Soul Shrew Evolved with Anger 7
    Scorpio Evolved Soul Swap 6
    Plague doctor (Evolve Toxicity lvl 5)
    Hanzo (Evolved Discord)
    Aquarius x 1
    Ordnance Evolved with Maji shield 3
    Demon Hunter x 2 for Sac 10
    Chiroptera need 1 100% Sac 10

    Blood Elf Evolved with pursuit 1
    Mythril drone Revive @ 60%
    Paragon Immunity 6 and 1 x Bless 5, 1 x Tempest 7, 1 x Frost Blade, 1 x B.B.
    Cancer Sac 8 with Extra l non evolved
    Arcane Sage I9 with Extra l non evolved

    1 x lvl 11 & lvl 10/ 3 x lvl 7/ 2 x lvl 6 & lvl 5 Omni Skill

    Crimson Lotus lvl 1
    Titan bangle lvl 3 x 2
    Dreamer's chalice lvl 4,3,2
    Lvl 3 Spirit Reaper
    Lvl 3 Pike of Conviction
    Lvl 3 Glacial Pendant

    2277 omni artifact fragments

    1 x lvl 5 Emperor's will
    16 x lvl 3 Emperor's will
    1 x lvl 4 Emperors will
    1 x lvl 4 Emperors will
    1 x lvl 5 Emperors Ward
    1 x lvl 4 Emperors Ward
    26 x lvl3 Emperors Ward
    2 x lvl 1 Emperors Soul
    53 Sparks
    Many rare materials as acidic jawbone

    Creatures runes 5*:
    Concealed strike lvl 10
    Protean lvl 5
    Revive Lvl 5
    Torment rune lvl 6
    Swarm lvl 6
    Rebirth lvl 4 & 1
    Immunity lvl 6
    Sacrifice lvl 7 x 2
    Protean lvl 6 x 4 and lvl 5 x 2
    Vitality too many
    Violence too many
    many 4* runes
    Heroes runes 5*:
    All vigor lvl 5
    All might lvl 5
    Neander vigor lvl 6 ; lvl1 x5
    Neadnder might lvl 1
    Faen might lvl 1 x2
    Human might lvl 1
    Mortii vigor lvl 1 x2
    Faen Vigor lvl 1 x2
    Human Vigor lvl 3, lvl1 x2
    Haste lvl 4
    Sorcery lvl 1 x2
    Hero vigor lvl8, lvl 6 x 1, lvl 5 x 5
    Initial rage lvl 6 and lvl 5 x 6
    Heal amplify 4* lvl1

    For additional questions pls conact via LINE ID: zettysan
    WeChat : Senseiroro

    I do not accept two parts deal!
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  2. PlayerUp

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  3. OP

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    Last day of AB with 49.5k gems to spend on the Platinum, Gold, Silver and Bronze Bond!!
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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