VC: Looking to buy high leveled account

Discussion in 'Valkyrie Crusade Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Tommy Chu, 1/29/19.

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  1. Tommy Chu

    Tommy Chu
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    Hello everyone. I am looking to buying an account that met my following requirements:
    - Must have at least 5 GLR cards or greater with couple of LR cards (4 is alright)
    - Have at least one of the following GLR cards I want: Queen Shion (She's my most favorite), Bridal Kisaragi, Blessed Lu, Lisbeth
    - Easily beat Extreme Tower Event
    - Castle Lvl 10 or higher
    - Deck Cost > 800

    My budget is around $70-$120 (I can go a little higher but not higher than $150). Have some pictures ready so I can take a look at it. I am aware of scammers so please don't be that guy. Please contact me through discord only.
    Discord: DumbDeer#3893
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