Selling 120 million offense and 80 million defense / Server: Highlands

Discussion in 'Soldiers Inc Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by sellingmystuff, 1/25/19.

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  1. sellingmystuff

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    Hello everyone,

    here are some overall key stats.

    contract: most of the contracts are level 30 or above. Mechanized Infantry, Antitank Missile Vehicle, Combat Aviation Gold and Platinum are level 31/32. Combat Aviation Silver level 31/32

    cobra contract: I will provide you with screenshots on this section because these contracts are relativley new to the game and they are differently build than normal contracts. The levels are all mixed up and it's still working in progress.

    Base: My base has a total defense bonus of 40k. MAX. level 5 walls, towers and level 6 turrets/artillery. All oil and munition factorys are level 25 except one which is level 30. At lvl 25 they add 2% to offense and defense each building, at lvl 30 they add an additional 3% on top of the 2% from lvl 25. All Landing Zones are at lvl 21/30. Air Traffic Control is max lvl 21/21. Logistics Exchange is lvl 22/24 so that you can get an extra 50k of resource whenever you do a raid. Sick Bay is level 13/16.
    The cobra base has every building that is currently availible.

    The UCAV Deck is all maxed out with the bonuses you can get. There are 163 Alpha, 12 Beta and 91 Gamma access codes availible. My current Armory holds 2x Platinum Agreements which give you a total of -4% ration consumption, that is essential if you do not want to run out of rations. I got 2x Advanced Tail Rotors which give your AH-24 Mohawks an extra speed of 50% (they are fast) very nice for quick raids. I got one Viber EMP Cannon which gives 5% defense to the M22043 Creigthon and a Stealth Generator, gives your Mz-29 Firedrake a +5% bonus to defense. These are the active bonuses i got currently on but i've got plenty of others inside my equipment locker.

    Enhancments: i've got one 50% increase in offense and defense for 7 days and plenty other boost items that increase either your strenght or resource production ect.
    My executive level is 14/15 and there alot activators for several days/weeks availible aswell. I've got level 11 stimulants that boost combat aviation, amor and heavy infantry units.

    That is round about everything i have to say about this account, if there is anything someone needs to know, feel free to ask.
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  2. OP

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    The base is defended with about 100 million defense in strenght and about 20k drones from different accounts. Those units will maintain even after i sold the account, so that is a very nice bonus on top of everything else.
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  3. PlayerUp

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