Sold (EASY HTML/CSS) Fix My Shopify Theme Coupon Newsletter Popup

Discussion in 'Shopify Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Hack Forums - Service, 1/24/19.

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  1. Hack Forums - Service

    Hack Forums - Service
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    Not sure what it wrong with it. To be honest, it just stopped working. I will help you fix it and show you everything that has the coupon code in etc.

    Basically, the popup doesn't show the coupon code after the user types in his email & clicks the submit button. However, it does add the email to the newsletter. I'm using mailchimp. It doesn't show the text saying its sent either. It used to, i'm not sure why it isn't anymore.

    Let me know with a price. I can do PayPal or Venmo.
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