Sold Renegade Raider Account ($300)

Discussion in 'Epic Games Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by General Forums &, 1/19/19.

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  1. General Forums &

    General Forums &
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    Selling my Renegade Raider account on Fortnite. I still play Fortnite often to unless I get BIN I probably won't sell it,
    My Computer is getting repaired right now so I do not have any photos to upload.

    I will be happy to use a very trusted member I know, or @Amp or @night for this deal (you pay)

    BIN $300USD (to find a F/A Renegade Raider account today is very hard hence the price,
    and unless someone is very eager for this account I don't really mind how long it takes to sell)

    OGE: Gmail (I am aware of the stigma behind gmails (you will get the DOB and the Creation Date + Sec questions)
    Email Change: Unavailable (I changed it from an extremely inactive user who stopped playing in Season 3)
    Linking: It has been linked to a PS4 which epic is working on fixing however you can link ur Xbox/Switch/play PC (I am prestige master 70 on BO4 with my PSN so it will be another $30 for the PSN too if you want to buy the PSN)

    Main Skins
    -Renegade Raider
    -Nog Ops
    -Red Nosed Raider
    -Ginger Gunner

    Main Pickaxes
    -Candy Cane

    Payment Methods
    BTC or PayPal (From Upgraded and High Rep Users ONLY)​
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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