Selling  Tera High End Lancer Account [NA - Kaiator]

Discussion in 'TERA Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by notlikethis, 1/15/19.

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  1. notlikethis

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    Main: ilvl 455 Apex lancer Heroic Oath weapon and boots and rest is +9 stormcry + Double Dragon + Marrow Brooch + Costumes + Mask + felicity + special emotes (settle, servant bow, kitchen dance) + all master glyphs + >300 EP points + a few more runs needed for another 1.5 dragon

    Alts: ilvl 450 Apex Warrior full SC +8 weapon, 1.5 dragon, marrow brooch, all master glyphs + full T4 etchings + full dyads
    ilvl 443 Apex Ninja SC +2 weapon, 2.0 dragon, master glyphs, dyads on weapon + >300 EP points + a lot of mounts and costumes
    ilvl 444 Apex Brawler SC+2 weapon, 1.5 dragon, master glyphs, dyads on weapon, T4 etchings, Master Armorcrafter with Silver plate design
    ilvl 439 Apex Warrior +7 Frost weapon, most weapon dyads, master glyphs
    ilvl 441 Apex Gunner +7 Frost weapon

    Character Breakdown:
    2 lvl 65 lancers, lvl 65 ninja, 2 lvl 65 warriors, 3 lvl 65 brawlers, lvl 65 gunner, lvl 65 Priest, 2 lvl 65 reapers, lvl 65 slayer, lvl 65 mystic, lvl 65 sorc, lvl 65 valk, lvl 65 archer

    Extras: 4 bank tabs + 30 day elite voucher in bank + 40k gold + a lot of enchanting mats + Unbound +2 SC brawler wep in bank + Rare Names + maxed character slots(21) + 17 characters at lvl 65 + bank has 50k worth of gems, Account is T6
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  2. PlayerUp

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