Selling  Android and iOS  High End Tap Sports Baseball 2018 team strength: 88k+

Discussion in 'MLB Tap Sports Baseball Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by MobileGamer623, 1/11/19.

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  1. MobileGamer623

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    I'm selling my account due to unforeseen circumstances that won't allow me the time to play anymore.

    Top Players:
    Prime Trout w/2 skills- OVR 220
    Legendary Al Kaline w/2 skills- OVR 215
    Legendary Shawn Green w/1 skill- OVR 209
    Legendary Craig Nettles- OVR 194
    Prime Kyle Freeland w/2 skills- OVR 198
    Robinson Cano w/1 skill- OVR 191
    Prime Jacob DeGrom w/1 skill- OVR 189
    Prime Mookie Betts w/1 skill- OVR 184
    Prime Mr Smile w/1 skill- OVR 180
    Prime Freddie Freeman- OVR 180
    Prime Kimbrel- OVR 179
    Prime Correa w/1 skill- OVR 178
    Prime Chapman- OVR 178
    Prime Stanton w/1 skill- OVR 176
    Plus countless special edition players (game changers, skills leaders, etc) OVR 149-165 OVR

    2.8 million in cash
    464 gold
    91K Regular XP
    96K Prime XP
    71K Legendary XP
    326 EVO.
    126 Franchise Coins
    112 Bonus Games
    57 Ice Wraps
    138 Energy Drinks
    220 second round picks
    490 late round draft picks

    40/40 yankees red sox astros mariners rockies tigers dodgers indians mets brewers angels
    37/40 braves 36/40 marlins 30/40 padres 30/40 nationals 27/40 pirates diamondbacks cardinals
    26/40 blue jays giants 25/40 phillies rangers 20/40 cubs 14/40 royals 12/40 rays athletics orioles 10/40 twins white sox reds

    All upgrades purchased (hitting coach, pitching coach, intangibles)

    Season Mode
    68-0 currently
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
  2. PlayerUp

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