Selling this account via Paypal or Amazon Giftcard feel free to ask for anything Images or something Legendary Heroes: L!Ike Fjorm +1Gunthra +spd -def L!Tiki +res -spd with Aether L!Robin +res -atk L!Eirika +res -atk L!Ephraim Neutral Galeforce Death blow 3 and Desperation L!Marth +def -hp (Most invested Character) Aether Distant Counter Wrath and a lot more L!Hector +hp -spd L!Ryoma -spd +res Armored Heroes: +1Zelgius +atk -def with Steady Breath H!Myrrh +def -hp with Sturdy Stance B!Hector Neutral with Aether H!Dorcas Refined Weapon B!Ephraim +res -def with Aether and Distant Counter +1M!Grima +atk -spd With Brazen Atk/Def and Aether Surtr+res -spd Cavalry Units: Eldigan +spd -hp Exalted Chrom +def -hp S!Catria +atk -spd Reinhardt +atk -spd Green Olwen Neutral B!Lyn Neutral with Firesweep+ and Brave bow+ B!Veronica +spd -hp Ethlyn Neutral Weapon Refined Fliers: S!Tana +atk -hp Aversa Neutral Nino Neutral Fury Desperation Cherche +atk -res Death Blow 4 Infantry: Askr Trio 5* with standart builds B!Celica +spd-res with Firesweep sword+ and Armorsmasher+ Lene Neutral Wings of Mercy +1Lon'quo +hp -spd (a mistake there promoted the wrong one) Flora +spd -atk Celica +spd -res with Special Spiral Weapon Refined Fury Desperation Etc. Highly Invested one Nephenee +spd -res Weapon Refined Ninian +res -spd Wings of Mercy Linde +hp res with Desperation Weapon Refined Micaiah +res -def P!Azura +def -hp Aether and G. Duel Infantry for Arena and Wing of Mercy Lewyn +spd -res Aoe Build Genny +res -atk Leif +atk -def Desperation Young Azura Neutral Seals: QR2 CD2 DD2 Brazen Atk/Res 3 Darting Stance 1 Spd/Def 1 Iote's Shield Heavy Blade 3 Flashing Blade 2 Brash Assault 1 Live to Serve 1 Blaze Dance 1 Savage Blow 1 Drive Atk/Def/Spd 1 Quickened pulse Armored Boots Atk Ploy 1 Threaten Def 1 All Initiate Seals 1