I am selling my PSN Onkz Clean asf Region: UK Comes with DOB, email (With Access) I did the trophies up to lvl 60 Games bought on the account: - Red Dead Redemption 2 Ultimate Edition - Call of Duty: Black Ops 4 - Call of Duty: Black Ops 3 (lvl 1000 multiplayer and zombies) - Destiny 2 - Friday the 13th - Dead by Daylight - SOMA - FishingPlanet - H1Z1 - Human Fall Flat - Iconclasts - ONRUSH - Trials Fusion - GTA Online female character (lvl 47, businesses owned, garages) Also includes my Fortnite account with 90+ skins. Season 3-7 max tier. Bought many avatars. DM my kik: hnj
@x_Electrah rather sell this quick. i have other 4 letters so dont exactly need this no more. i owned over a year and it fully secure