Selling SUPER RARE account Diablo 3+Starcraft 2+Hearthstone+Overwatch, played since 2011

Discussion in 'Diablo 3 Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Eclipse2413, 1/9/19.

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  1. Eclipse2413

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    Hello. I want to sell my Rare account . It comes with email, all information and free Battle tag change.
    Account is my personal and I invested A LOT of money and time in this account.
    Starting Price is $260. It's #. I can provide any info about my account and guarantee 100% safety of the transaction.
    You can send me offers. I Invested more than $400 in this account and a ton of time. Also i have 20 EUR on my balance.
    So it's very cheap for this price.

    Discord: IceeeeeTea#6559 or you can message me on this website. Ask me any questions. Images are listed below on imgur.

    Diablo 3:

    ~2600 paragon level, Reaper of Souls Collector's Edition+Necromancer pack, all pets, a lot of achievements
    +Super rare Wings of Valor(Pre-Order RoS)/Falcon Wings/Mercy Wings/Wings of the Crypt Guardian and Cosmic Wings.

    Hearthstone: 10000 Wins games and 670 Arena Wins

    all lvl 60 golden Heroes (excl. Valeera and Uther ~400 wins)
    90 Legendary cards+ 5 Golden Legendaries, almost all epic/rare and common cards
    80 Cardbacks including Legendary Cardback/TGT Cardback/Winter Veil/Overwatch/Legacy of the Void/HotS/Tyrande/Medivh/Molten Core
    and many others cardbacks since April 2014. All monthly cardbacks.

    All adventures cards:
    Frozen Throne/Karazhan/Kobolds
    League of the Explorers all wings
    The Grand Tournament Pre-Order(with Cardback)
    Blackrock Mountain Pre-Order(with Cardback)
    Naxxramas Pack

    Golden Heroes Liadrin/Lunara/Medivh/Maiev/Tyrande/Arthas/Morgl and Nemsy

    Starcraft 2: Grandmaster league 4 times 1vs1, Grandmaster Archon. 9460 Achievement points.
    All campaigns 100% completed. Almost all achievements.

    2019 Katowice Warchest Bundle (all races)
    2018 Blizzcon Warchest (protoss)
    2018 Katowice Warchest (protoss)
    2017 Warchest Blizzcon Bundle (all races)
    Shakuras Warp Prism Skin
    Advanced Stalker Skin
    Cheery Vikings Portrait
    BlizzCon 2018 James "Sirius" Sykes Portrait
    BlizzCon 2018 Alarak Portrait
    Super Nova Commander Commentator+Covert Ops packs
    Fenix/Stukov commanders and rare remasterd+ 20th anniversary Consoles
    Wings of Liberty Collector's Edition
    Heart of the Swarm Collector's Edition
    Legacy of the Void Collector's Edition
    Starcraft 2 Remastered Pre-Order
    Super rare Feats of Strength and top 16th of Grandmaster Achievement.

    Overwatch Origins Edition:~400 games and some legendary Skins.
    Account also has Starcraft 2 Remastered(incl. pre-order base skins) and Destiny 2.

    I accept paypal/bank
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
  2. PlayerUp

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  3. Legend621

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    i am interested. contact me at whatsapp +6597112166
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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