Selling  High End APb Reloaded with 140 Days premium Lots of premium stuff

Discussion in 'All Points Bulletin Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Assim, 1/8/19.

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  1. Assim

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    Price = 90$

    Pm Discord :Gangstar#9573

    Char Slot = 3

    Crim Char =255
    Enfo Char =97
    Enfo Char =64

    Premium = 86 days remain + 60 days in reedeem


    Alig 762 (char Permanent)
    Jg-1040 Tactical (Acc permanent)
    Joker CR-5 (Acc permanent)
    N-HVR 243 -SD PR2 (Acc Permanent)
    Oca-EW 626 "Whisper"PR2 (Acc Permanent)
    Colby M-1992 MK3 (Acc Permanent)
    N-HVR 762 Dvah (Acc Permanent)
    VAS-R2 "Sword"NFCP 3 (Account permanent)
    S1-NA Manic Submachine Gun (Account permanent)
    S1-TIC Rabid Light Machine Gun (Account permanent)
    S1-FA Frenzy Assault Rifle (Account permanent)
    PS-247 Oblivion (Account permanent)
    H-9 Curse (Account permanent)
    SG-21 Strife (Account permanent)
    AR-97 Misery (Account permanent)
    R-2 Harbinger (Account permanent)


    Patriot Vegas G24 4 slot (Account permanent)
    Packer Toreador V141A4 4 Slot (Account permanent)
    IO Growl 4 slot (Account permanent)
    The Seiyo Espacio "Big Horn" and "Mammoth" (Account permanent)

    Vehicle Kit

    IO Growl Famine kit (Account permanent)
    IO Growl Death kit (Account permanent)
    IO Growl Pestilence kit (Account permanent)
    IO Growl War kit (Account permanent)
    IO Growl Apocalypse Combined Kits (Account permanent)
    Packer Toreador kit
    Packer Vengador kit
    Djinn Diablos Wheels (Account permanent)
    The Seiyo Espacio Big Horn kit
    The Seiyo Espacio Mammoth kit
    Cheetah M2 Mikro Kit
    Criminal Bishada Spectre Kit
    Vegas Hot Rod Kit
    Vegas G20 Mercury Kit
    Vegas G20 Rugido Kit
    Vegas G20 Wheel Kit


    Boom Box=500
    Med Spray=500
    Epinephrine Injector =500
    Resupply Box (Large)=500
    Mobile Cover = 500
    Satchel Charge= 500

    Weapons Skin

    casino - money skin
    Glow in dark skin
    bat skin
    undedox skin
    ghost skin
    Snake Skin 1: Adder (Account permanent)
    Snake Skin 2: Coin (Account permanent)
    Snake Skin 3: Regal (Account permanent)
    Snake Skin 4: Boa (Account permanent)
    Snake Skin 5: Spotted (Account permanent)
    Oblivion skin (Account permanent)
    Curse skin (Account permanent)
    Strife skin (Account permanent)
    Misery skin (Account permanent)
    love gun skin
    G-Kings skin
    Autumn Assault skin
    Bloodrose skin
    Halloween Necrocite skin


    Pestilence outfit (Account permanent)
    War outfit (Account permanent)
    Famine outfit (Account permanent)
    Death outfit (Account permanent)
    Urban Strike Clothing Set (Account permanent)
    Cigar & many more .........


    All fonts, symbols, and decals unlocked (acc Permanent)
    All emotes unlocked (acc permanent)

    Discord :Gangstar#9573
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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