Sold Best Duel Links Account Available Ever!

Discussion in 'Yu-Gi-Oh! Yugioh Duel Links Accounts for Sale - Buy & Sell' started by JohSuE20, 1/5/19.

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  1. JohSuE20

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    My Location:
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    Any staple card and any competitive deck since Box 1 to Box 13 is available.
    Any Top Tier deck is available in this account, such as:

    U.A, Vampires, Anki, Banish Synchro Control, Silent-Spellbook, Blue Eyes, Buster Blader, X-Saber, Geargias, Geminis, Fur-Hire.
    all Staple and common used cards with complete playset (3 of each one) some examples:
    - x3 Paleozoic Canadia.
    - x3 Paleozoic Hallucigenia.
    - x3 Sphere Kuriboh.
    - x3 Mirror Wall.
    - x3 Wall of Disruption.
    - x3 Drowning Mirror Force.
    - x3 Treacherous Trap Hole.
    - x3 Junk Synchron.
    - x3 Hey! Trunade.
    - x3 Floodgate Traphole.
    - x3 King of the Swamp.

    ANY STAPLE at 3 is available.

    More than 12K packs oppened, so more than 5K USD Spent in this account.

    the account also have the following exclusive icons:
    - 10 times King of Games.
    - 100 Prismatic cards obtained.

    you can check some evidence of the things that i mention here:


    Paypal accepted.
    also in less of 24 hours I can give you the account if you buy.
    you can ping me in whatsapp +57 3167385847, gmail: [email protected], twitter: @JohSuE20

    any question or evidence needed just let me know.
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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