Greetings Summoners. My discord if you want to talk about the account or buy it: Brunø#5204 I'm Selling my really old TAC account. This account was created when the global server was created. The account has its own email and Facebook. therefore when you buy it I will give you everything, the Facebook., the email etc. Well lets go to the account. Everything you will probably need to know is on the imgur: As the start of this new year a lot of new events have come up that gives elemental and rainbow shards. I haven't done any of them yet so the shards you saw on the imgur will increase as the days pass. The account has already been rank one in arena a few times. Since I didnt mind about arena for the past months the rank has gone up. But it definitelly can be easily achieved. Besides that a few things about the account. Pretty much EVERY character is all 3 jobs mastered. Here are the list of all non-farmable units, the farmables ones that are not 85 are either really close to it (82+) or are definitelly not worth the AP and Skip Tickets. Minerva 65/65 (You can make her 75 or even 85 with just a few rainbow) Klima 65/65 (You can make her 75 with only water shards) Yauras 60/60 Birgitta 60/60 Mielikki 85/85 (She has 240 shards, almost ready to 91) Laharl 85/85 Balt 85/85 (He has 130 shards) Lucretia 80/80 Eve 80/80 Miuna 76/76 Setsuna 79/79 (As the start of this week she is now farmable but it tis a honorable mention) Gilgamesh 75/75 Fusija 76/76 Zain 75/75 Sakura 75/75 Othima 75/75 Roxanne 75/75 (You can make her 85 with rainbow shards if you want) Noctis 75/75 Aranea 75/75 Fate Yomi 75/75 Basheeny 75/75 Kanon 75/75 Seida 73/73 Siegfried 71/71 Bashoshen 66/67 (Really rare unit, the first ever collab in global) Note: I'm still playing everyday to keep boosting the account Note²: I have never used any kind of injection and/or cheat
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