Sold Selling Pre-Made Shopify Store (GREAT NICHE)

Discussion in 'Shopify Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Hack Forums - Premium, 12/31/18.

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  1. Hack Forums - Premium

    Hack Forums - Premium
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    I'm selling a Shopify store that I made recently, this has no sales keep in mind. Although I can help you market it until you start to make sales.

    It's in a great niche that's currently selling well and people are very passionate about it. I'll send the link to people that provide proof of funds.

    - Great Niche
    - Fully Setup Shopify Store
    - Products
    - Teaching you how to market until you make sales

    I'll also throw in a few influencers that are good so you can start making money!

    BIN: $350 (Accepting Offers)
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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