This is my personal Hearthstone account that I have had for a while. This account includes: 113 Legendaries - 5 Golden Legendaries: Fandral Staghelm Flobbidinous Floop Twig of the World Tree Cenarius Malfurion the Pestilant Kun the Forgotten King Tyrantus The Marsh Queen Houndmaster Shaw Deathstalker Rexxar Boommaster Flark Swamp King Dred Open the Waygate Pyros Aluneth Jan'alai, the Dragonhawk Archmage Antonidas Anomalus Sindragosa Frost Lich Jaina The Last Kaleidosaur (Golden) Wickerflame Burnbristle Sunkeeper Tarim Ragnaros, Lightlord Tirion Fordring Uber of the Ebon Blade Awaken the Makers Chameleos Lyra the Sunshard Lady in White Archbishop Benedictus Prophet Velen Shadowreaper Anduin Edwin VanCleef Face Collector Shaku, the Collector Sonya Shadowdancer Lillian Voss Xaril, Poisoned Mind Unite the Murlocs Krag'wa the Frog Thrall, Deathseer Al'Akir the Windlord Kalimos, Primal Lord Shudderwock Lakkari Sacrifice Blood Queen Lana'thel Rin the First Disciple Lord Jaraxxus Bloodreaver Guldan Fire Plume's Heart Hobart Grapplehammer Grommash Hellscream Scourgelord Garrosh Patches the Pirate Sir Finley Mrrgglton Bloodmage Thalnos Lorewalker Cho Prince Keleseth Auctionmaster Beardo Brann Bronzebeard King Mukla (Golden) Moroes Prince Taldaram Sergeant Sally Tinkmaster Overspark Zola the Gorgon Barnes Kazakus Spiritsinger Umbra The Voraxx Whizbang the Wonderful Captain Greenskin Elise the Trailblazer Finja, the Flying Star Harrison Jones Leeroy Jenkins Prince Malchezaar Zilliax Aya Blackpaw Caire Bloodhoof Emperor Thaurissan Hemet, Jungle Hunter Hogger Illidan Stormrage Reno Jackson Sylvanas Windrunner The Black Knight Baron Geddon Don Han'Cho Hogger, Doom of Elwynn Rend Blackhand The Curator Chromaggus Gruul King Togwaggle Marin the Fox Medivh, the Guardian Ragnoros the Firelord The Lich King Alextrasza (Golden) Baku the Mooneater Majordomo Executus Malygos Master Oakheart Nefarian Nozdormu (Golden) Onyxia Ysera (Golden) C'Thun Deathwing N'Zoth, the Corruptor Yogg-Saron, Hope's End Y'Shaarj, Rage Unbound Epics (Doesn't include duplicates) 156 Epics 530 Dust 390 Gold
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hey im interested in ur account! very serious buyer! add me on discord so we can talk business at Codey#6411
**BEWARE** Hexmulex/Codey#6411 is a confirmed, attempted scammer. He created a fake discord account disguised to look like a legitimate middleman (mm), and he tries to convince you to use his fake mm. All evidence, including him confessing can be found here: He is a pathetic loser, who has nothing better to do than stalk video game forums all day to scam people. DO NOT ADD HIM. Also, I am selling a hearthstone account too, and you can view my account here <3: Selling - North America - Legends 100+ - [SUPER PRICE] [NA] 164 LEG(2G) + 356 EPIC (7G) + 3195 DUST + 200 PAGES of CARDS + LIFETIME WARRANTY | PlayerUp Accounts Marketplace. Player 2 Player Secure Platform.