Sold 100k / EUR49,95 Available for 100 million might or less

Discussion in 'Lords Mobile Gems for Sale - Buy & Sell' started by BarryBoos, 12/10/18.

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  1. BarryBoos

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    We are Lord’s Gems

    We have Lord Mobile gems. Available for the best possible price. Hundreds of players have experienced our great service already. We deliver gems right in front of your doorstep. You only have to join one of our guilds to receive the requested giftable items, equivalent to the number of gems you have purchased. Please download the Line chat application on Android or iPhone for a smooth transaction. Every new customer who made an order gets a permanent 15% # coupon code for future purchases! You can find the coupon code just once on our page after you complete a purchase. Did you lose your code? Don’t worry! Just send us an email and we got you covered.


    Why choose Lord’s Gems?

    We find communication and connectivity very important. Our website is translatable. So by pressing the red translation button at the bottom left corner, you can select your desired language. At the right-hand side, you have the chat button to start a conversation with us right now.


    (IGG's chart is based on gem count plus the value of speed-ups, bravehearts and holy stars available in $49,99 packs)​

    We are open from 8:00 AM to 23:00 PM in central europian time. Seven days a week. You are allowed to order gems at any time! Please allow us up to 12 hours delivery time if you order at night. Once we have live chat contact, delivery usually takes a few minutes, unless our products are on sale again. We use PayPal as the payment gateway and our servers are SSL protected. Your currency and personal details are in good hands.

    100% Money-back Guarantee

    We promise that you will be refunded on your request at any time if you are not 100% satisfied with our service. You will receive a 100% refund if we have to cancel the service due to circumstances.

    #1 BarryBoos, 12/10/18
    Last edited: 12/10/18
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  2. PlayerUp

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