Selling  High End  Android and iOS GoG - K194 - C32 - DH+5 - High End Guards - Full Nobility Gems / All Precious Attack - AirShip 70

Discussion in 'Guns of Glory Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by bucho2k, 12/9/18.

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  1. bucho2k

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    Looking for the price listed or best offer!!

    This C31 is a powerhouse for this great Kingdom. I simply have no time to play the game. A lot of money has gone into this account regarding its stats. The Kingdom itself is very peaceful and well respected all around.

    C31 - 180m Power
    Lord Level 50
    Troops 1.5 million (200k+ each T10s, balanced mix for rest)
    VIP 10
    Catacombs Level 55
    Full Demon Hunter Gear +5
    Full Splendor Gear
    Gathering Speed Gear
    All Banners Maxed for each building
    Level 31 Academy - Development pretty much maxed, Combat 1 through level 4, Combat 2 maxed to C30 / started C31, Defense up to level 4, Creation on par.
    Embassy and HOW level 30

    Gemstones - Full Nobility
    4 Attack Precious Nobility (79.50% each)
    4 Defense (69% each)
    2 Defense (58% each)
    1 Health (79.50%)
    1 Health (69%)
    4 Health (58% each)
    1 Royalty (34.50%)
    1 Royalty (29%)

    Coat of Arms - Full, half blue, half purple, levels 1 and 2
    Total benefits
    Inf - 35%
    Calv - 47.25%
    Distance - 57.75%
    Troop - 10%

    AirShip Level 65
    Skills maxed out for Attack and Defense
    Plus 4, Plus 5 stars
    AirShip Parts - Gold and Silver +2 and +3

    Attack Report - No Buffs
    Troop Attack - 368%
    Troop Defense - 361%
    Troop Health - 430%
    Inf Def - 1,006%
    Inf Health - 940%
    Calv Attack - 842%
    Calv Def - 852%
    Distance Attack - 841%
    Distance Def - 838%

    D'Artagnan - 1 star
    Blanchet - 3 star
    Kitty - 2 star
    Captain Treville - 3 star
    Benoit - 2 star
    Lady Silver - 3 star
    Dominique - 2 star

    The 3x Dashing Duelist listed above give you the bonus.

    This account has been well maintained.

    * BONUS * - This account will come with 2x C26 castles, 1 having full Duelist gear and level 55 catacombs.
    #1 bucho2k, 12/9/18
    Last edited: 12/9/18
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  2. PlayerUp

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  3. OP

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    **!!UPDATED STATS!!**

    This C32 is a powerhouse KVK fighter for this great Kingdom. I simply have no time to play the game. A lot of money has gone into this account regarding its stats. The Kingdom itself is very peaceful and well respected all around.

    C32 - 220m Power
    Lord Level 55
    Troops 2 million (270/300k+ each T10s, balanced mix for rest)
    VIP 10
    Catacombs Floor 8-4
    Full Demon Hunter Gear +5
    Full Splendor Gear
    Gathering Speed Gear
    All Banners Maxed for each building
    Level 32 Academy - Development pretty much maxed, Combat 1 through level 4, Combat 2 maxed to C31
    Embassy and HOW level 32

    Gemstones - Full Nobility
    4 Attack Precious Nobility (79.50% each)
    5 Defense (69% each)
    1 Defense (58% each)
    1 Health (79.50%)
    2 Health (69%)
    3 Health (58% each)
    1 Royalty (39.75%)
    1 Royalty (34.50%)

    Coat of Arms - Full, 6 orange, 10 purple
    Total benefits
    Inf - 84%
    Calv - 98%
    Distance - 112%
    Troop - 12%

    Curiosites - Green, Blue, Purple
    Total benefits
    Inf - 90%
    Calv - 90%
    Distance - 101%
    Troop - 22.86%

    AirShip Level 70
    Skills maxed out for Attack and Defense (31)
    Plus 4, Plus 5 stars
    AirShip Parts - 2 Rare Gold (+5), 6 Gold (+4)

    Attack Report
    Troop Attack - 512%
    Troop Defense - 490%
    Troop Health - 542%
    Inf Attack - 1,005%
    Inf Def - 1,232%
    Inf Health - 1,221%
    Calv Attack - 1,234%
    Calv Def - 1,109%
    Calv Health - 1,010%
    Distance Attack - 1,115%
    Distance Def - 1,070%
    Distance Health - 1,090%
    Inf Damage - 186%
    Calv Damage - 268%
    Distance Damage - 261%

    Guards (Level 2 Bonus)
    D'Artagnan - 3 star
    Blanchet - 4 star
    Kitty - 3 star
    Captain Treville - 4 star
    Benoit - 4 star
    Lady Silver - 3 star
    Dominique - 3 star

    The 3x Dashing Duelist listed above give you the Level 2 bonus. (Distance Damage Received -15%, Calv Damage 17.50%, Troop Attack 15%, March Cap +25,000, Inf Damage Received -17.50%)

    This account has been well maintained.

    * BONUS * - This account will come with 2x C26 castles, 1 having full Duelist gear and floor 7 catacombs.
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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