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Not understanding how myself and the seller agreed to 80, and I sent 80.. and the seller advised they got the 80.. then i get an email from the middleman stating the actual price is 250.. so with my 80 applied i still owe 170?
and now the posting price has been changed ?... would love to hear from someone other than the seller. all I've heard so far is that the middleman logs in and calculates an "actual value".. so basically you can agree to a price and pay it, and then you find out how much you're Really gonna pay???
noticed this postings price has gone from 80(when i sent payment) to 170(after i posted here) and it's now back down to 70. seller originally said he would "handle things" and asked that i pay an additional $95. After saying no, it was "how about 50?".. last night it left off at "this is really all i can do, there's a 35 balance.. can you do $35?" smh........