Trying to get out of the game. 7 stars Hyou Loren Wilhelm Blossom Sage Sakura Nalu Onion Knight Lightning Luneth Veritas of the Dark Trance Terra Fryevia Aileen Reberta SB Dark Fina Zargabaath Rinoa Fohlen Marquis de Leon Prishe Mercenary Ramza Elfreeda Roy Elephim 7 star ready Lotus Mage Fina Cloud Duke Lulu Aranea Prompto Pure Summoner Rydia Mediena Other 6 Star Units (5 star base) Ace Maritime Strategist Nichol Awakened Rain Dark Knight Cecil Queen Dark Fina Orlandeau Emperor Rem Tidus Balthier Lunera Veritas of the Flame Veritas of the Light Eiko Jiraiya Yuna NG Jake Emperor Shera Atoning Dragoon Kain Vagrant Knight Rain Squall Ignis Olive Barbariccia Seaside Nichol Many TMRs (very few STMRs but a number of units at 3rd dupe) 72,417,812 gil and 60165 lapis(android) with 2x 30% 5 star tickets 20x 5 star select tickets 25 4 star+ tickets 145 regular tickets 345% trust all moogles Many exp cactaurs and stat pots All trials cleared except for Venomous Vines Its on a dummy facebook. account with a clean dummy email. $200 or best offer.