NOTE: This is an Android account. You can't use the orbs on iOS so you would need to borrow an Android phone / use an emulator. Hi folks, I'm offering my Fire Emblem Heroes account for sale, I've been playing since around April 2017. Here is a quick overview of the account: Items: - 1,777 orbs - 370,000+ feathers - 500+ stamina pots - 15+ of each blessing - Most Golden Accessoires Heroes: 5*+10 Soleil 85 5* heroes, EXCLUDING merges. With merges the total would be 100+. Quite some premium fodder (2x DC, 1x CC) You can either PM me here (I'll try to check every now and then) or send me a discord message at Nyhmi#1083 in case you want some further details (e.g. which 5*'s, etc). In case you want to buy it then we can handle the payment via paypal. I will provide the password of the nintendo account afterwards and you can then change the e-mail to whatever e-mail you want. Indication price: 75-100$ # #/Theman1007 # .