Selling Selling Legendary Kingsroad account heavy tank Knight(Price is 900 )

Discussion in 'KingsRoad Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Alexandru Stema, 11/11/18.

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  1. Alexandru Stema

    Alexandru Stema
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    Price $:
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    Main class: KNIGHT
    Rumble games login, not linked to a Facebook. account


    Middleman will be used for a safe tranzaction

    Promotion Level: 150 with 40 k essence ready to spend
    Gems: n/a

    PVP Battle Wings:
    Power Level - 78
    Appearance Level - 146

    Skill Points - 740
    You can choose your own kind of play style but I absolutely recommend mine
    Spent countless days and nights trying to find the balance in every item equipped so u won't have to change skills when you change play from pvp to tournament to event. As long as you have mana pots and cooldown you can do elites on auto with no problems whatsoever!

    PVP playstile heavy tank mode (equipped with the latest Royal Necklace, Talisman, Helmet and Chest)
    you even have 2 Royal swords and a Royal shield in the inventory if you want to mix main set for a big armor boost over a mil or so (currently 2.8 mil armor + 1 mil ~ from mix sets using double Royal swords)

    Max Armor Gear Stats:
    Armor: 2.831.026
    Heath: 1.055.000 goes to 1.3 - 1.4 mil health in pvp depending on the opponents you go against
    Power: 136.124
    Damage: 94 500 dmg with dmg pot (goes to 149 000 when enraged)

    Farming Gear Stats:
    Movespeed - 120% (you don't need more because of sparkle gift skill)
    Goldfind - 3000% (in addition to wearing full frozen set) with lots of 30% gold find spheares still on superior and epic lvl

    Almost all gear has been resocketed for 4x sphere slots or tristone slots

    3 Fabled dragon cores
    6 Mythic dragon cores

    VIP Items:

    2x Royal Swords
    1 x Royal shield
    Appearance Helm (apperance)
    Mythic Necklace (trinket)
    Mythic Talisman (trinket)

    Water/Nature Build
    Elemental Stats:

    Water 406% goes to 606% when in Angel form
    Nature 220% with lots of nature jewels in vault to fuse

    Key PVP Stats:
    211 Critical Block (only 250 max is possible)
    262,653 Armor Penetration (can be much higher if you continue to level the socketed stones)

    Key Guild Skills:
    Increased Great Fusion Experience - LVL 11 - 11%
    Increased Mega Fusion Experience - LVL 16 - 32%
    Increased Fire Damage - LVL 16 - 40%
    Increased Water Damage - LVL 23 - 57.5%
    Increased Nature Damage - LVL 11 - 27.5%
    PVP - Critical Block - LVL 19- 11.5 + 189% from Curio
    PVP - Critical Resistance - LVL 3 - 3
    PVP - Armor Penetration - LVL 8 - 40,000
    PVP - Tenacity - LVL 2 - 2%
    Additional Gold - LVL 13 - 32.5%
    Increased guild score LVL 11 - 27%

    Maximum Inventory and Vault space
    Thousands of materials for evolving Tri-stones, spheres and Crescents
    Backup items for gold find gear app sets mixed sets curios, everything you will ever need in case you lose or delete a gold find item by accident

    Lots of evolution materials:
    for tristone = stone powder, black plume, spider eye
    for crescent & stars = pepper stone, turquoise fragment, otherworldly essence
    for event, guild, and tournament jewels = horn, goldroot, midnight rose

    Dragon Village:
    Dragon Keep - Level 16 (maxed)
    All buildings maxed

    5 of 6 Gold Dragons Unlocked
    Lucrix MAXED
    Fortuna MAXED
    Auric MAXED
    Victorius Artifact LVL
    Goldfang Superior LVL






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  2. Zerafel

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    Nice ! im so happy if you share this account with me to help my charracter get gold tour and raise to 3k power.
    I had sold my old account 3 yrs ago and now i retard. Just want join the game not excited with powerd acc like this ^^
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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