Sold *Top Player Account* Dante

Discussion in 'Deck Heroes Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by DHghost, 12/4/18.

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  1. DHghost

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    Top 100 Tourney Account
    OP decks, full of Top heroes and cards melds.
    100k Gems - AB Ready
    Price 1300 Euro with No #

    5 * Heroes
    2x Druidess level 8
    1x Druidess level 6
    1x Warbinger level 7
    3x Spirit Arbiter level 9, 7, 7
    1x Ville level 4
    2x Taskmistress level 9 and 4
    1x Hydra level 6
    1x odin level 4
    1x Armageddon level 8
    2x Captivator level 8, 5
    3x Warlock level 9, 6, 5
    3x Overlord level 8, 6,4
    2x Blademaster level 9, 3
    2x Oceanus level 8, 4
    1x Thor level 10

    5 * cards

    12x Aquarius
    1x Queen Artolia revive
    2x Plague Doc reive
    1x Geomancer im9
    1x Geomancer i10 expertise 22,5%
    2x Hanzo im10
    1x Hanzo i9
    1x Hanzo just evo
    6x Paragon i9&10
    1x Hera detonate 6 expertise 100%
    1x Cancer sac 8
    3x Drone reive, rec 2 and mass heal 8
    3x Fafnir revive
    1x Pontiff rec 2

    2x Lunar Godd im 10
    1x Lunar Godd im 10 expertise 45%
    1x Aries cleanse 4
    1x saggi sac 8
    1x Dragonlord revive
    1x Blossoms reive
    1x Ordanace revive
    1x Mindflayer im9
    1x Sylvan Ench im9
    1x Faen Firstborn s/revive
    4x Mirmir rec 2
    3x Mirmir revive

    2x Granite Dragon reive
    1x dragon lancer revive
    1x dragon lancer-just evo
    2x Soul Shrew sac 8 and 10
    1x Capricorn sac 8
    1x Capricorn i9 expertise 30%
    1x Taurus sac 8
    1x Taurus sac 10 expertise 30% (sac 1 4th evo skill)
    2x Kitsune reive and fb 10
    2x Kumiho reive
    1x Kumiho revive 15%
    2x Nidhogg rec 2
    1x Ra
    1x cosmic Hare

    2x Nefarious Witch
    3x Octavius shatter soul
    1x Octavius rec 2
    1x Octavius mass heal 8 with shatter soul 10 expertise 45%
    1x octavius - just Evo
    1x Gemini rec 2
    1x Death Angel instakill
    1x Chiroptera im9
    1x Cyber Eye detonate 10
    1x Lord Aldrich
    1x Spirit siren rec 2
    20x Qt retreat
    2x qt rec 2

    And lost of melded cards for gw

    Runes that are worth to mention because of high level :
    2x All vigor level 8
    2x human Vigor level 8
    2x Haste level 9
    1x haste level 8
    1x Hero Vigor level 9
    2x Hero Vigor level 8
    3x initial rage level 10
    1x Initial rage level 8
    4x concealed strike level 10
    3x Torment level 10
    4x Reive level 10
    2x Shatter Soul level 10
    1x Swarm rune level 10
    1x Demolition Bean level 10
    4x Rebirth level 8
    Lots of protean, vitality and violance level 6,7 and 8

    Line Id : Darkdante01
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