Selling [Buying] HM16 ,exp charm for 18 BD light* *PVP/PVE full set*

Discussion in 'Blade & Soul Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by fee1989, 12/3/18.

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  1. fee1989

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    The account includes:
    - Gilded - 2x Aquamarine, 1x Ruby, 1x Amethyst, 1x Diamond, 1x Emerald, 1x Citrine
    - Octa - 1x Amber, Obsidian Light
    - Hepta - 1x Obsidian Wind, 1x Obsidian Flame, 1x Garnet
    - Hexa - 1x Obsidian Ice
    - True Tiger
    - a lot of mats
    - 300 keys for bg
    ... and more on link.
    Imgur: The magic of the Internet

    Quantities may vary as they continue to farm.

    I sell because I have little time to play and I have to take care of my family.
    I hope that the account will find a happy buyer.

    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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