Sold Selling Shopify Business that made $6.1k in sales.

Discussion in 'Shopify Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Hack Forums - Webmaster, 12/3/18.

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  1. Hack Forums - Webmaster

    Hack Forums - Webmaster
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    Ill keep this short. Selling off my business that I've been running for the past year. Products are virtual and sent out by emails so no need to physically touch anything.
    99.99% of sales came from the business twitter through simple "hype" marketing (will explain in more detail if interested).

    About $4.1k passed through the Shopify store itself and the other $2k sent by customers directly to paypal f&f.

    Selling this since iv'e gotten into more literal eCommerce and simply don't have time to manage/send emails with this shop + manage my other 2.

    I'm not going to go into detail on exactly the products sold on the site for obvious reasons but everything costs roughly $300/m to manage and profit honestly depends how much you advertise and a few other disclosed factors.

    Some stats bellow:
    Spoiler (Click to View)

    I'm looking for no less then 3k as this can easily make your $ back if you grow twitter following etc. (All sales made from twitter which currently has about 870 followers)

    If you are serious feel free to PM me.

    Transaction would be completed through escrow.

    If your not techy this isn't for you.
    #1 Hack Forums - Webmaster, 12/3/18
    Last edited by a moderator: 2/10/19
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