Selling Ariesms endgame warrior account

Discussion in 'Maplestory Private Server Accounts for Sale - Buy & Sell' started by ilovefluff, 12/1/18.

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  1. ilovefluff

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    Account: $2300 (SGD)
    Equips: $2200 (SGD)
    Open to slight negotiation
    Not selling in parts
    Endgame account that is more than capable of doing any boss at the moment except ECZak.
    PM for more info, but no pictures will be shown.

    international: paypal F&F (I will transfer it to my local bank before giving account details to prevent chargeback)
    singapore: bank transfer or meet up

    Discord: b0b#1516
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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